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Standards for Illinois Public Libraries - February 2009
Tags: 2009, bibliographic instructions, bill of rights, board by-laws, board of directors, Board of Trustees, code of ethics, collection management, core standards, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Freedom to Read, freedom to view, introduction, Lee Ann Fisher, personnel, personnel policy, readers' advisory, Reference, serving the public, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, State of Illinois, statues of citation, supplemental standards
Avenues of Excellence 1995
Tags: 1995, accessibility, Administration, avenues of excellence, bibliography, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, fill rate, Finances, Illinois State Library, image, John Moorman, November 1995, output measures, population, Programs, Public Library Services, Reference, reference transactions per capita, Services, specific population, users and usage
Standards - Avenue of Excellence - 1994
Map of Decatur & Environs Showing the Norfolk & Western Railroad (3/1968)
Tags: #8.003, 1968, 6/1968, B&O, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, collection, Decatur IL, grade crossing, grade separation, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Power Company, ISHRAB-2017-25-1, Macon County IL, map, map of Decatur & Environs, Maps, N&W, Norfolk & Western Railroad, railroad, Railroad Map Collection
Problem Solving for Trustees - October 1994
Avenues of Excellence, Standards for Public Libraries, Illinois Library Association
Tags: 1989, avenues of excellence, bibliography, board and administrative Library Responsibilities, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, future reading, Governing authority, Illinois Library Association, James Seidl, library hours, output measures, program output measures, Programs, specific measures, standards for Public Libraries, Structural Governance, users and usage
Map of the Illinois Central Railroad Track from E. Sangamon St. to Division St. (1953)
Tags: #8.003, Alexander Lumber Co., businesses, Calhoun St., Center St., Clinton St., collection, Condit St., Decatur Brick Manufacturing Co., Decatur IL, Division St., Eldorado Oil Co., Esplanade St., Faries Manufacturing Co., Grand Ave., Hickory St., ICRR, ICRR yards, ISHRAB-2017-25-55, L.J. Davis Works, Leafland Ave., Locust St., map, Maps, Marietta St., Orchard St., Pennsylvania RR, railroad, Railroad Ave., Railroad Map Collection, Sangamon St., Streets, Track, yard
Map of the ICRR Belt Line from Peoria Branch of ICRR to Main Line of ICRR (Church St. to Morgan St.)
Tags: belt line, belt line map, Bloomington Decatur & Champaign RR, Bradley Campbells 2nd Addition, Bradley Campbells Addition of Out Lots, collection, Decatur IL, ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-45, main line, map, McKinley Ave., N. Church St., N. Main St., N. Morgan St., N. Water St., Peoria branch, Pythian Ave., Pythian Home Addition, Railroad Map Collection, Tracks
Illinois Central Railroad Track Going North from Wood St to Sangamon St.
Tags: #8.003, Broadway St., Cerro Gordo St., Clinton St., Eldorado St., ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, ISHRAB-2017-25-27, Jackson St., Main St., map, Morgan St., North St., Northern Cross, Prairie Ave., railroad, Railroad Map Collection, Sangamon St., Streets, Wabash Ave, Wabash freight house, Wabash Railway, Wabash Roundhouse, William St., Wood St.