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- Tags: master's degree
Lee D. Pigott's Interview #1
Tags: 1978, AB degree, Ada Holtwick Caudle Pigott, aluminum scrap drive, Antoinette County KS, apprenticeship, Armistice Day, aviation mechanic, basketball, Betty Turnell, boys' club, cabinet making, car repair man, Carpenter's Union, Centennial Junior High School, Charles Lee, childhood, Christmas program, Christopher Wren tower, corporal punishment, counseling departments, Cy Gentry, Decatur Board of Education, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Kiwanis Club, Decatur Public Schools, Dennis School, distributive education, diversified occupations, Dr. Cameron Harmon, Dr. Lloyd Trump, Durfee School, Durfee School principal, Enlistment, farmhand, fathers' club, forced retirement, Ford Foundation, Gaither farm, Gastman School, Great Lakes Naval Academy, growth pattern, gymnasium, high school diploma, ice wagon, Illinois Junior High School Association, industrial education, interview, janitor, January 1978, Kansas, Kansas City MO, Ku Klux Klan, Lebanon IL, Lee D. Pigott, Lee Decatur Pigott, Lincoln School, Little 19 Basketball Tournament, Logan School, machinist, Malleable Iron Company, manual training, Mary W. French School, master's degree, Mayor, McKendree College Academy, Methodist Church, Millikin University, Miss Elizabeth Crowder, Mobile and Ohio shop, mothers' club, Mr. Jones, Murphysburo IL, Naval Aviation, North Central Association, Oakland Junior High School, Oakland School, Oke Summers, Oklahoma, Old Clothes Day, oral history, Pekin IL, Pekin Starch, Pfeifer, Pines Community Center, Principal, PTA, quitting school, R.S.W. McDavid, Railroad YMCA, recording, Roosevelt Junior High School, Spanish flu, staff utilization, Superintendent Engleman, Third United Brethren Church, Torrence Park, truancy, Ulrich School, University of Illinois, vocational automobile mechanics, vocational building trades, vocational cabinet making, vocational drafting, vocational electricity, vocational sheet and metal, vocational work, Warren School, wheat harvest crews, wooden paddle, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Woodworking, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII, YMCA, young people's group
Frankye Morgan's Oral History
Tags: "Cotton Ball", 1986, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Awards, beauty school, Betty Turnell, bi-centennial celebration, Black History Week, Blue Mound IL, brotherhood week, car cleaner, car oiler, Centennial School, Central Christian Church, Chatanooga TN, Chicago IL, childhood, choir, cosmetology course, Decatur IL, discrimination, Elementary Education, First Baptist Church Westminster Presbyterian Church, First Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, food awards, Frankye Morgan, Garden Club of Decatur, gardening, gardening awards, Grant's farm, Home Economics, Illinois Junior Academy of Science, integration, interview, January 1986, Joe Russell, John's Hill School, Josie Russell, Leotyne Price, Lincoln School, Madison IL, master's degree, Moler Beauty College, Museum of Science and Industry, Northwestern University, oral history, Parent-Teacher Association, physical education, PTA award, racial relations, racial tension, recording, Redwood Restaurant, retirement, Roosevelt Junior High School, Rosarian, Science, Science Club, science fair, singing, Smith-Hughes Act, Springfield Civic Garden Club, Springfield Garden Club, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, summer school, summer science course, Teacher, teaching, Tennessee State University, U of I Extension department, weather balloon, Wilberforce University, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Xenia OH
Loren Boatman's Oral History
Tags: "live line" truck, 1986, August 1986, Betty Turnell, Bill Cecil, boating, cable television, cameras, Carl Hickerson, Carlinville IL, changes to broadcasting, changes to meteorology, Channel 17, childhood, Decatur Celebration, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Don Foreman, government weather observer, interview, J. Giles, Korean War, Lake Decatur, Lakeview High School, lights, live broadcasts, live commercials, Loren Boatman, MacArthur High School, master's degree, meteorologist, Meteorology, microphones, microwave dishes, Navy Indiana State Teacher's College, Northwestern Midshipman School, Northwestern University, oral history, Pacific Ocean, photography, piano, recording, Southern Illinois University, Teacher, Television, travelling, University of Illinois, WAND
Anthony J. Perry's Oral History
Tags: "The Vigil Never Ceases - Two Miles North", 1988, A.E. Staley Jr., Administrator, Anthony J. Perry, Assistant Adminstrator, Associate Administrator, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, bachelor's degree, Betty Turnell, board rotation, Chief Executive Officer, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, DMH Auxiliary, Dr. Will Barnes, early childhood, education, Ethel Goss, Executive Vice-President, family, Graduate Directors' Council, Home Health Care Program, Hospital Administration, Hospital Research and Development Institute, immigrant parents, interview, JFK Airport, June 1988, LaGuardia Airport, Leon Pullen, Lisbon Portugal, malpractice insurance, master's degree, Medicare, Meteorology, Military, Millikin Court, Millikin University, MMI Companies, modernization of hospital, New England, New York University, Norman Bailey, Northwestern University, nurses, off-shore insurance company, oral history, Pan-American Airlines, Peruvian International Airways, president, radiology, recording, School of Nursing, Staley Pavilion, truck farm, TWA International, Visiting Nurses' Association, Voluntary Hospitals of America, Volunteers, Women's Auxiliary, World War II, WWII
Florence Palmer's Oral History
Tags: 1983, Adult literacy, Annual Conference, Asheville NC, ashram, attending the sick, Baroda India, Betty Turnell, Bible woman, bungalow, Carthage IL, Christian education, Christians, class distinctions, Decatur IL, elementary schools, elephant ride, Evanston IL, First United Methodist Church, Florence Palmer, Garrett Theological School, Gujarati language, Hinduism, Housing, India, Indian climate, Indian fashion, Indian food, Indian women, interview, Language School, Mahatma Ghandi, Malaria, master's degree, May 1983, medicine box, Methodist Church, mission hospitals, missionary, missionary education, Nashville TN, Northwestern University, oral history, reception for the Bishop, recording, retired missionaries, retirement, retirement home, Scarritt College, Standard Bearers, teaching, temperate climate, United Methodist Women, village leaders, Village Women's Institute, village work, Vishva Dharma Niketan