Browse Items (8646 total)
Photo of U. S. Oil Building
Photos of the Grand Opening of Turn-style Family Center North Gate Shopping Center.
Turn-style was a subsidiary of Jewel Tea…
Tags: 1971, BS2380, BS2381, BS2382, BS2383, BS2384, BS2385, BS2386, BS2387, BS2388, BS2389, BS2390, Business, Candy, Clothing, Eisner Foods, Elmer Walton Mayor, Frank J. Tyska, Grand Opening, Home Goods, James Fues, Jewel Tea, Osco, Pershing Road, Retail, Turnstyle, Turnstyle Family Center
Photos of Tom's Grill Building, Sign and Interior.
Tags: BS2369, BS2370, BS2371, building, Business, Drive-In, interior, John L. "Tom" Morford, Lounge, Restaurant, Tom's Grill
Photos of Tolly's Market on Route 48, N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1956, 1957, 1961, Aerial View, Baseball Team, BS2364, BS2365, BS2366, BS2367, BS2368, Bulletin Board, Business, Groceries, Grocery, Oakland Ave., Parking Lot, Rt. 48 & Grand Ave., Shoppers, Tolly's Market
Photo of The Music Box Building 816 S. 16th St.
Photo of The Hickory Pit Restaurant, owners Eddie and Grace Copeland.
Photos of the Tenney Garage Building
Photos of People Working at a Teletype Machine.
Tags: 2/14/1938, 3/18/1935, 3/27/1939, BS2351, BS2352, BS2353, BS2354, Business, Communications, Decatur IL., employees, Teletype, Teletype Machine
Photos from unknown Telephone Co.
Tags: BS2349, BS2350, Business, Communications, Decatur IL., Switchboard, Telephone Co.
Photos from Taylor Pharmaceutical
Tags: 3/4/1954, BS2339, BS2340, BS2341, BS2342, BS2343, BS2344, BS2345, BS2346, BS2347, BS2348, Business, Decatur IL., drugs, employees, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Taylor Pharmaceutical