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  • Tags: 1937

Photos of Smoke Stack and Employees Working in a Foundry.

BS1468-Smoke Stack_1937_083.jpg
Photographs of Smoke Stack for an unknown foundry and employees in an unknown foundry.

Photo of the Decatur Ice Cream Co.

BS2526-Decatur Ice Cream Co 1904-163.bmp
Photograph of the Decatur Ice Cream Co., 716 N. Edward St., building was erected in 1904 and torn down in 1937.

Photograph of Woman Being Honored, Group Photo and School Building.
Photo of Woman being honored, Group Photo and Mt. Zion School Building.

Fairview Park - New Addition 1937
These are negatives of the new addition of Fairview Park. The photo was taken by Decatur Herald & Review on October 27, 1937.

Photographs Decatur High School in 1930's.
Photos of Decatur High School Building, Students and Students in Wood Working Class and Classroom, Parking lot on North corner.

Photographs of the Wabash Railway Freight Station and Water Tanks
Photographs of the Wabash Railway Freight Station and water tanks near the Illinois Central crossing in Decatur IL, taken in 1936 and then in 1937 after a new additional water tank was constructed.

Photographs of the Wabash R.R. Concrete Coaling Tower During and After Construction
Photographs of the Wabash R.R. concrete coaling tower during and after construction taken in the fall of 1937. This tower is located at Jasper St. in Decatur IL.