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Photo of Leath Furniture Window Display
Photograph of Window Display at Leath Furniture store located at 432-450 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.
Photos of Landmark Mall
Photographs of Shoppers on Landmark Mall at night and daytime.
Photo of Landers Garage
Photograph of the Exterior of Landers Garage located at 350 E. William St., Decatur, IL.
Photos of Two Kroger Stores located in Decatur, IL.
Photographs of Two Kroger Stores located in Decatur, IL.
Tags: BS1763, BS1764, building, Business, c. 1940's, Decatur IL., exterior, Groceries, grocery store, Meat
Photos of the new Kresge Store Interior Located at 337-355 N. Water St., Decatur, IL.
Photographs of the new Kresge Store located at 337-355 N. Water St., Decatur, IL., lunch counter, children's clothing, and checkout lanes. Store open on Mar 15, 1959.
Photos of Kileen Photo Studio located at 220 E. Eldorado and 235 E. Orchard St., Decatur, IL.
Photographs of Bill Kileen Photography Studio Exterior.
Photos of Kane Engraving Co.
Photos of Kane Engraving Co. building, employees and equipment, located at 138 W. William St., Decatur, IL.
Photos of K-Mart Store Interior.
Photographs of the K-Mart Store Interior, ribbon cutting, customers, employees and parking lot. Store was located Rt. 36 East and Rt. 121.
Photos of the new K-Mart on Rt. 36 and Rt. 121, Mt. Zion Area.
Photographs of the new K-Mart located on Rt 36 E.
Tags: 4/30/1965, BS1723, BS1724, BS1725, BS1726, BS1727, Business, Clothing, Construction, Department Store, Electronics, Home Goods, K-Mart, Mt. Zion IL., Rt. 36 E & Rt 121, Shoes
Photo of John Riel Employees
Photograph of John Riel Employees Standing on and in Front of Wagon Pulled with Horses.
Tags: BS1722, building, Business, Decatur IL., employees, Graining, Horse & Wagon, painting, Paper Hanging, signs, Wall Papering