Browse Items (8670 total)
Photos of Decatur Hotel and Arcade Fire 11/17/1904.
Photos of Decatur Hotel and Arcade Building, 1915.
Tags: 4/21/1915, Arcade, BS1048, BS1049, Business, Decatur Hotel and Arcade, Decatur IL., fire, hotel
Photos Decatur Gun Co. Contest 1917.
Photos of Type Setting Machine.
Tags: BS850, BS851, Business, Decatur IL., Employee, Newspapers, Review, Typesetting
Photos of Review Editorial and Special Writers and City Desk.
Tags: 12/7/1913, BS842, BS843, BS844, BS845, BS846, Business, Circulation, City Desk, Decatur IL., E. T. Coleman, Editorial, Freddie Kruck, George Byrne, H. C. Schaub, H. M. Wheeler, Hortense Bailey, J. Ben Wand, J. L. Jenkins, J. Louis Fitzpatrick, Jerry Donahue, Letha B. Patterson, Mabel Richmond, Newspapers, Ralph Roney, Review, Si Radford, Special Writers, William C. Barnes
Photo of Decatur Cocktail Lounge Building.
Photo of Decatur Brass Works Building.
Tags: 1449 E. Eldorado, 1915, Brass, BS1041, building, Business, Decatur Brass Works, Manufacturing
Photos of the Decatur Bottling Company.
Photo Decatur Boat Shop
Photo of Decatur Auto Laundry Building
Tags: 329 S. Oakland, BS1026, Business, Decatur Auto Laundry, Decatur IL., Drying, Ironing, Laundry, Starching