Browse Items (8670 total)

Photos of Decatur Hotel and Arcade Fire 11/17/1904.

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Photographs of the fire at the Decatur Hotel and Arcade Buildings on 11/17/1904. Photo ran in the Review 11/18/1904.

Photos of Decatur Hotel and Arcade Building, 1915.

BS1048-Decatur Hotel and Arcade Bldg _1915174.bmp
Photograph of the Decatur Hotel and Arcade Building, 1915. "The Decatur Hotel, building in center of photo, and Arcade Bldg., at the right of the Hotel, as pictured before they were destroyed by fire on April 21, 1915. They were located on the north…

Photos Decatur Gun Co. Contest 1917.

Photograph Decatur Gun Co. Contest 148 S. Main St., 1917. Photo of children looking at the Decatur Gun Co. building after the fire. Photo of bike riders lined up in front of the Decatur Gun Co.

Photos of Type Setting Machine.

Photographs of Typesetting Machine and Employee.

Photo of Decatur Cocktail Lounge Building.

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Photograph of the Decatur Cocktail Lounge and Liquor Store located at 545 N. Water Street.

Photo of Decatur Brass Works Building.

BS1041-Decatur Brass Works 1449 E Eldorado 1915.jpg
Photograph of the Decatur Brass Works Building located at 1449 E. Eldorado, 1915.

Photos of the Decatur Bottling Company.

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Photographs of the Decatur Bottling Company located on the corner of Cantrell and Broadway (now MLK) streets. Photos of the building, bottling, manufacturing and packaged for distribution.

Photo Decatur Boat Shop

Photograph of the Decatur Boat Shop located at 1321 N. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Decatur Auto Laundry Building

BS1026-Decatur Auto Laundry 329 S Oakland 1950-077.jpg
Photograph of Decatur Auto Laundry located at 329 S. Oakland Ave., Decatur, IL.