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  • Tags: John Moorman

Annual Library Report Letter - May 26, 1994

This is the letter that accompanies the annual library report to the city council, Illinois State Library, by the city librarian and Board of Trustees. Dated May 26, 1994

Annual Circulation Report 1989-1994 in Bar Graph Form

This is the annual circulation report of the Decatur Public Library for 1989 to 1994. This report, in bar graph form, shows comparative circulation results for the Main Library, Extension Department, as well as results for Building Visits,…

City Librarian's Annual Report - April 30, 1994

This is the city librarian's annual report in April 1994. In this report John Moorman touches on the following: FRED, online catalog, staff reorganization plan, performance based pay plan, video tapes, famed print collection, CD's, Infro Track, Local…

Statistical Reports - Monthly - 1994

These are the statistical reports for 1994. All monthly are included. They show technical services, personnel, circulation stats, locations, departments, genre, computer down time, registered patrons, volunteers, books added, books withdrawn, books…

Grant Application - June 1994

This is the June 1994 Per Capita Grant application to the Illinois State Library from the Decatur Public Library.

Draft Budget - January 1994

This is a draft of the library budget published January 1994. In this budget the following are defined and summarized: revenue, expenditures, capital funds, inventory, capital outlay, other charges, commodities, contractual services, personal…

Library Funding - October 1994

This is the funding for the library for October 1994. It includes revenues, expenditures, and a funding history from 1988 to 1993.

Library Fee Schedule - March 1994

This is a chart of area libraries along with Decatur showing a comparison of all fee and fines for these libraries.

Management and Staff Personnel Policy - Decatur Public Library - 1994

This is the Management Staff Personnel Policy for the Decatur Public Library. It covers area pertaining to recruitment, probationary periods, hours of work, holidays, vacation leave, sick leave, special leave, absences, insurance, workers…