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  • Tags: Decatur Railway & Light Co.

Photos Decatur Railway and Light Co.
Photograph BS142: Decatur Railway & Light Co. Employees in Office Dec. 1910; Decatur Business 977.358A, pg. 98. Photo BS143: Decatur Railway & Light Co. Power Plant--1909; Decatur Business 977.358A, pg. 99. Photo ran Review 4/18/1909. Photo was made…

Hugh B. Crea
Photograph of Hugh B. Crea (d. 1/31/1918). He was an attorney, and practiced law in Decatur for over 50 years. He was the attorney for the Millikin & Co., Millikin National Bank, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Midland Railroad, and Wabash…

Ervin P. McCune
Photograph of Ervin P. McCune (died 11/24/1951). Illinois Power Co. employee 45 years, retiring in 1948 as superintendent of the steam heat department. Came to Decatur Dec. 1, 1903 t take charge of Decatur plant of Decatur Railway & Light co. as…