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Photos of Fire at Cheap Charley's.

BS983-Cheap_Charlies_building_fire-1909021 (2).jpg
Photographs of people and horse and buggies at fire that burned down Cheap Charley's. Photograph of Cheap Charley's E. Main St. looking from the Transfer House, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Faries Manufacturing Co. Building and Water Tower.
Photograph of Faries Mfg. Co. Photo ran 12/31/1909. Factory was located at 1036 E. Grand. Photograph of Faries Manufacturing Co. 1036 E. Grand. Photograph of the Water Tank Faries Mfg. Co. Photo ran Review 1/8/1911, factory located 1036 E. Grand.

Photos of Esker's Tavern Customers and Employees
Photographs of Employees and Customers inside Esker's Tavern 1703 Clay St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Equipment Made by Caterpillar.

Photograph of a bulldozer made by Caterpillar. Photo of a grader being built at Caterpillar. Photo of a Jeep during WWII that was winterized by Cpl. Lloyd Webb who had been employed by Caterpillar Military Engine Company before the war.

Photos of Employees Working Marvel Schebler.
Photograph of employees working at the Marvel Schebler Plant located on 2195 S. Elwin Road and 707 Southside Drive, Decatur, IL.

Photos of Employees Working in the Factory.

Photographs of employees working in the factory and a milling process.

Photos of Employees U. S. Signal Depot

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Photographs of U. S. Army Signal Depot. Group photograph of Army Group. Photograph of employees loading a truck with furniture. Photo of employees sitting at desks in an empty warehouse. Photograph of man operating a machine. Photographs of guard…

Photos of Employees Playing Softball.

Photographs of Firestone Softball Teams Industrial Engineering vs. Quality Assurance, Decatur, IL.