Browse Items (8543 total)

Combined Annual Meeting for 178/1979 and Monthly Meeting for May 1979 - May 17, 1979

This is the packet for the Board of Directors combined annual and monthly meeting on May 17, 1979. The packet includes the minutes, agenda, statistical report, financial report, list of bills, annual report letter, City Librarian's annual report,…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1970/1971 and Monthly Meeting for May 1971 - May 12, 1971

This is the agenda and minutes for both the annual meeting and May monthly meeting of the Board of Directors on May 12, 1971. At the monthly meeting, the Board discussed the punch list for the North St. Building, handing over the care of the heating…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1971/1972 and Monthly Board of Directors Meeting - May 19, 1972

This is the agenda and minutes from the combined annual meeting and monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the Board discussed the audit being done for last fiscal year, and Carl Dick's visit to Mobile International to see the…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1972/1973 and Monthly Meeting for May 1973 - May 11, 1973

This is the minutes and agenda for the combined annual and monthly meeting of the Board of Directors on May 11, 1973. At this meeting, the Board discussed the City's Affirmative Action Program, filling the positions of Children's Librarian and Head…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1973/1974 (May 24, 1974) and Monthly Meeting for May (May 17, 1974)

These are the minute and agenda for the combined annual and monthly meetings for the Board of Directors on May 17 and 24, 1974. At these meetings, the Board discussed adding Monday hours back to the schedule, the Decatur Chapter of the American…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1974/1975 and Monthly Meeting for May 1975 - May 15, 1975

These are the minutes and agenda for the annual meeting for 1974/1975 and the monthly meeting for May 1975. At this meeting, the Board discussed going back to a six-day week for the Summer hours and the annual report for 1974/1975.

Combined Annual Meeting for 1976/1977 and Monthly Meeting for May 1977 - May 19, 1977

These are the minutes and agendas for the May monthly meeting and annual meeting of the Board of Directors. At this meeting, the Board discussed the loss of library service at St. Mary's Hospital, using Friends volunteers to bring service to Decatur…

Combined Annual Meeting for 1977/1978 and Monthly Meeting for May 1978 - May 18, 1978

This is the packet from the Board of Directors annual meeting for 1977/1978 and monthly meeting for May on May 18, 1978. At this meeting, the Board discussed a new portable computer terminal, the Code of Library Policy, the Right to Life Movement,…