Browse Items (8548 total)

In Loving Remembrance of Our Boy, died February 7, 1898

This is a memorial card for "Our Boy" who died February 7, 1898. No age is listed on the card. There is a poem on the front of the card. Information on the back of the card stating the company that produced the card is Nonpareil Card Company, Des…

In Loving Remembrance of Irene Hibbs - February 7, 1898

This is a memorial card for Irene Hibbs who died on February 7, 1898. Her age is listed as 2 years, 10 months, and 21 days. There is a poem on the front of the card and three pictures of a young girl on the back of the card. There is also information…

Henry Hibbs - Honorable Discharge Papers and Enlistment Record - US Army- February 7, 1919

These are the honorable discharge papers and enlistment records for Henry P. Hibbs issued by the US War Department on February 7, 1919. There are one original and two copies.

Gracie Hibbs address tag, R.R. 1 Decatur, IL, Disabled American Veterans emblem

This is an address tag for Gracie Hibbs whose address was R.R. 1 Decatur IL. There is a disabled American Veteran's emblem on the back of this tag.

Funeral Announcement for Mrs. Anna Hibbs - January 9, 1912, page 10, Daily Review

This is the funeral announcement for Mrs. Anna Hibbs dates January 9, 1912. It appeared on the tenth page of the Decatur Daily Review. This announcement listed the church, pastor, music, and pallbearers. She was buried in Greenwood cemetery.

Dividend Announcement for Weekly Premium Life Policies 1958

This is a brochure of the dividend announcement for weekly premium life insurance policies dated 1958 explaining the dividend additions.

Discharge certificate US Army John F. Hibbs September 23, 1931 and copy

This is the discharge certificate issued to John f. Hibbs from the US Army on September 21, 1931 and signed by the Adjutant General and its copy.