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Lucien Carpenter Shellabarger
Tags: Anna Krone, biography, David S. Shellabarger, Decatur Club, Decatur IL., First Presbyterian Church, Herald and Review, Lucien C. Shellabarger, Lucien Carpenter Shellabarer, Mable Lord, Macon Lodge #8 A.F. & A.M., Mrs. Iva Faith Camerer, Salina Kan., Shellabarger Mill and Elevator Co., Shellabarger Milling Co., Silversmith
William Lincoln Shellabarger
William Lincoln Shellabarger
Charles F. Shilling
Thomas Benton Shoaff
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Bement Union, biography, Danville Daily Democrat, Danville Daily Press, Danville Leader, Decatur Magnet, Democratic Party, Dennis Hanks, Ella W. Lytle, Lincoln's Log Cabin, Paris Gazette, Photo File: Biography, Shelby County Leader, The Okaw, Thomas Benton Shoaff, Thomas Shoaff
Rev. E. H. Shuey and family
Tags: Avice Shuey Hammond, biography, Decatur IL., E. H. Shuey, Indian Central College, Ivah Mills Shuey, Naomi Shuey Sehimo, pastor, Pauline Shuey Sherwood, Photo File: Biography, Rev. E. H. Shuey, Third U.B. Church, Ulta Shuey Kramer, Union and Eldorado Street, United Brethren Church, Wasson Studio of Decatur, Westfield College
Adolph A. Sigfried
Tags: 1928, 300 Block N. Water St., 32nd Degree Mason, Adolph A. Sigfried, Al Jolson, Ansar Shrine, biography, Broadway, Decatur Elks, Decatur IL., Dixie Harris, Empress Theater, Frank Tinney, Great Lakes Theaters Chain, Herald and Review, International Stereograph Co., Mason, Nickel Bijou, Orpheum Circuit, Photo File: Biography, Sophie Tucker, The Man With a Hundred Faces, Vaudeville Actor