Browse Items (8626 total)

Photo of Taylor-Harder Dairy Co.

Photograph of the Taylor-Harder Co. building taken in the late 1920's.

Photo of Fairhaven's Farm Dairy Milk Wagons and Truck
Photographs of the Fairhaven Farm Dairy Horse Drawn Milk Wagons and First Milk Truck - A Model T.

Photo of Clay Robinson Dairy
Photograph of the Farmers inspect herd at the Clay Robinson Dairy, photo taken 8/26/1938.

Fairview Park - Ice Skating
These are photographs of people skating on Dreamland Lake at Dreamland Park, which later became part of Fairview Park. The photos were taken by J.K. Stafford on February 2, 1908.

Fairview Park - Winter Scene 1909
Winter scenes of Fairview Park that were taken by J.K. Stafford on January 31, 1909.

Fairview Park - Old Settlers' Reunion
These are the photographs of the Old Settlers' Reunion on August 18, 1898. The reunion was held at the pavilion in Fairview Park. The photos were taken by J.K. Stafford.

Fairview Park - Couple on a Bridge
This is a photograph of a man and woman standing on a bridge in Fairview Park. The photograph was taken by J.K. Stafford in November 1908.

Photographs of the Millikin University Football Team
Photographs of the Millikin University football team during a game, at least one taken on October 3rd, 1908, the other two are undated. The photograph dated October 3rd was played against Normal with a score of Millikin-8 and Normal-2.

Photograph of East Prairie St.
Photograph of a horse being driven along East Prairie St. in Decatur around 1900 expresses his dislike of a new horseless carriage chugging along the corner. This picture of old Decatur was made from one of a number of glass negatives found in theā€¦