Browse Items (8422 total)

Photo of Pfc. Melvin Hayes in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hayes, Pfc. Melvin; "Hayes on Furlough; Pfc. Melvin Hayes, former Mueller Co., employee, is home on a 15-day furlough from Camp White, Ore., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hayes, 1744 North Monroe street. He has…

Photo of Corp. Robert Louis Riley in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Riley, Corp. Robert Louis, Article on back of photo; "By Margaret Strong of the Herald Staff; Home cooked meals, a soft bed to sleep in, sightseeing in Decatur and visiting with a joyous family is in store for Corp. Robert…

Photo of Pfc. Ralph Duddleston in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Duddleston, Ralph Pfc., 1/30/1944. Herald and Review photo by Martin J. Cooney, Decatur, IL. Article on back of photo: "How does it feel to come back to Decatur permanently after 18 months of living on the front…

Photo of Staff Sgt. Billy Gene DeLaughter lounging in arm chair in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; DeLaughter, Sgt. Billy Gene 3/11/1945. Article on back of photo: "The present given to Staff Sgt. Billy Gene DeLaughter on his twenty-first birthday, Jan 3, 1945 - was the most welcome ever received. On Jan. 3, the…

Photo of Ensign Claud G. Davis and Lt. James L. Brader in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; "Ensign Claud G., Davis, and. Lt. James L. Brader 1/13/1944. Article on back: "Ensign Claud G. Davis, who has been in the Navy for almost 18 years, has just returned from serving more than four years as ship's…

Photo of Orville E. Alton in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Alton, 1st Lt. Orville E., 11/30/1943. Herald and Review photo by Martin J. Cooney, Decatur, IL. Article on back of photo: "First Lieut. Orville E. Alton has been named commanding officer of the Millikin university…

Photo of S/Sgt. Earl Smith in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Smith, S/Sgt. Earl; Article on back of photo; "By Maxine J. Kyle, of the Herald Staff; It was the night before a big mission for the well-known, but often misspelled, American division. Staff Sgt. Earl Smith was in his…

Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Sent by Cty board No. 2 were, left to right: Front Row: M. Wayne McCammon, Raymond Oakley, Archie R. Christison, Junior Wayne Walters. Second Row: John A.…

Photo of Lt. Charles "Bud" Whitaker in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Whitaker, Lt. Charles "Bud"; Article on back of photo; "Bud Whitaker Bomber Pilot; Lt. Charles "Bud" Whitaker, former photo-engraver at The Herald and Review, received his commission and bomber pilot's wings in ceremonies…

Photo of Roy Stroyeck in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Stroyeck, Roy, residence 2321 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.