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Mrs. Robert D. (Mary Elizabeth Stookey) Owen's Oral History
Tags: 1980, alum auditing plan, Army, Art History, Betty Turnell, blue beanie, Children, Conant Society, conservatory, Decatur IL, Dr. Bert C. Bach, Dr. Flora Ross, Dr. Mardock, Dr. Provan, dress code and attitude changes, Elizabethan Study, English Department, English major, Gorin Library, grade school, Great Depression, Harristown IL, interview, June 1980, lawyer, Mary Elizabeth Stookey, Millikin University, Miss Bonnie Blackburn, Miss Davida McCaslin, Mr. Grover Patton, Mrs. Cordulack, Mrs. Robert D. Owen, needlework, oral history, piano lessons, President's office, Professor A.T. Mills, Purity Baking Company scholarship, recording, Robert D. Owen, Students, teaching, tennis team, The Mill, University of Illinois scholarship, World War II, WWII
Mrs. O.L. Myers' Oral History
Tags: "Poor Man's Picnic", 1981, advertising department, August 1981, Betty Turnell, Bookkeeper, caretaker's cottage, Central Junior High School, changes to Decatur, Circus, Corn Carnivals, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Fairview Park, family life, Grand Ave., Great Eastern Tea and Coffee Company, Hartford House, Herkimer St., interview, James Millikin Homestead, Leader Iron Works, Mrs. O.L. Myers, Oakland School, Ofel Etchison, oral history, Polish picnic, Pugh School, Pugh St., Pugh Street School, recording, Red Cross hospital, Spanish flu, Stephen Decatur High School, Streetcars, summer streetcars, the Elms, Wabash Credit Union, Wabash Railroad, wooden paving blocks
Mrs. Marie G. Baker's Oral History
Tags: 1977, 4-year scholarship, A.H. Mills, A.M.E. Church, African Methodist Church, Betty Turnell, brother, C.L. Livingston, childhood, College Street Chapel, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, discrimination, Dr. Ellis, Edward Jacobs, family life, First Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, housing discrimination, Howard Shaw, Howard University, Huron Place, injunction, interview, James Millikin University, job discrimination, John Reagan, Lake Decatur, Lincoln School, March 1977, Marie G. Baker, Marietta Street School, Mary White Ollington, Mrs. Buster, Mrs. Eugenia Bacon, Murfield Storey, N. Union St., NAACP, National Civil Rights Law, national meetings, Niagara movement, oral history, Pennsylvania line, Physician's and Surgeon's College, Pugh School, race discrimination, Railway Postal Service, recording, Rev. E.M. Antrim, San Tucker, Singleton's Restaurant, Springfield Race Riots, swimming beach, swimming pools, truck garden, Warren Hardy, William English Walling
Mrs. L.C. (Edith) McNabb's Oral History
Tags: "Music in the Making", 1980, April 1980, Betty Turnell, Channel 17, Channel 3, Community Information person, Decatur Public Library, driver education class, Edith McNabb, Millikin University, Mrs. L.C. McNabb, oral history, Radio, recording, Richland Community College, Speech Department, tele-course, Television, WSOY
Mrs. Jane Lee's Oral History
Tags: "HMS Pinafore", "Little Prince", "Quality Street", "Red Mill", 1990, Alex Van Praag Sr., Armistice Day, Betty Jo Eickenberry, Central Railroad Depot, childhood, classified ad department, DAR, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Dr. Jones, Elmer Nickel, Ethel Parkinson, Fires, Freda Douthit, GAR, Glee Club, Governor Oglesby Mansion board, Grand Army of the Republic, Great Depression, grocery stores, H.C. Schaub, Helen Gorham, Herald and Review, home birth, Howard Millard, ice block, Illinois Central Railroad, Indian schools, international traveling, Interurban, Interurban station, interview, January 1990, Jeanette MacDonald, Lake Decatur, Lincoln School, Linn and Scruggs, Louise Fyke, Macon County Conservation District, Macon County Hospital, Macon County Newsletter, Marietta School, Moweaqua mine disaster, Mrs. Jane Lee, Mt. Zion IL, oral history, plays, Poetry, poetry club, recording, Red Cross, Robert Williams, Roosevelt Junior High School, Shellabarger Mansion, St. Mary's Auxiliary, stalker, Stephen Decatur Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, streetcar, Switchboard, Toonerville Trolley, Transfer House, traveling, typing, Westminster Presbyterian Women, Women's Relief Corp, World War I
Mrs. Horace B. Garman's Oral History (Ethel Garman)
Tags: "Crystal Bird" Club, "Decoration Day", "Frolic", "stock company", 1983, African-American girls club, Al Jolson, Alice Evans, army wives, Art Class, Bachrach store, Barney Fulton, Bijou Theatre, Billy Sunday, block man, Bob Hope, bond sales drives, Camp Kiwanis, Carnegie Library, childhood, Christmas store, colored girls, Corn Carnival, cottages, Crystal Bird, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Florence Love, Frank Curtis, Gastman School, Georgia Leaflet, Governor Oglesby Mansion, Great Depression, Greenwood Cemetery, Howard W. Schaub, interview, Jake Latham, Jane Hamand, Jane Hamilton, Kiwanis Club, Louis Nichol's candy store, March 1983, Marietta Street School, Miss Abel, Mrs. Alice Bering Evans, Mrs. James Millikin, new city dam, O.W. Smith, oral history, Powers Grand Opera House, Powers Grand Theatre, president, recording, Red Cross, renovated YWCA building, Roy Christy, Sam Malleous, social work, Study Class, vice-president, World War II, WWII, YWCA
Mrs. H.F. Carmichael's Oral History
Mrs. Frank M. Ware
Tags: "speedys" letters, 1984, A.G. Webber, Absolum Newland, accounting department, August 1984, automobile tires, bank failure, Betty Turnell, bookkeeping machine, brother's surgery, Brown's Business College, cactus, cafeteria, carbon paper, Caterpillar Co., Caterpillar Military Engine Co., changes to Decatur, Chautauqua, choir, cottonwood tree, crystal radio sets, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Lumber Co., doctor's office, Dr. N.D. Meyers, Dr. William Barnes, Dune School, education, electronics courses, Fairview Park, Faries Manufacturing Co., First Lutheran Church, Flood, Florida, Forest Grove School, Frank Ware, general labor, George W. Keller, Great Depression, greenhouse, grocery store, hauling coal, Helen Harder, Hilltop Greenhouse, interview, Jackson St. School, Jasper County IL, Johns Hill, lap rugs, Leader Iron Works, Lincoln Coop Apartments, Lincoln Flower Shop, Log Cabin, Louisa Newland, Madam Corolla Lous Tuca, McKinley assassination, mortgage, Mound School, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Frank M. Ware, neighborhood picnic, Nelson Park, new pews, oral history, Payroll, perpetual inventory, Postal Service, pottery, purchasing department, radio diagrams, raising plants, ready-made radios, receptionist, recording, retirement, sales department, short-hand, Signal Depot, singing, small business, Snake Hill, St. Mary's Hospital, Staley Company, Streetcars, succulents, T.T. Springer, toolmaker, Transfer House, truck barn, voice lessons, Warren St. School, Weber Fill, William Shorb, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
Mrs. Corwin Johns' Interview
Tags: "Personal Recollections", 1978, A.P. Hill, Adlai Stevenson, Betty Turnell, Charles Adlai Ewing, childhood, Corn Carnival, Decatur Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Decatur IL, Dr. and Mrs. Panhallegon, Dr. H.C. Johns, Eugenia Ewing Johns, fire department races, Illinois Board of Agriculture, Illinois Breeders' Association, interview, J. Petticord, Jane Martin Johns, Johns family, Johns Hill, Judge R.W. Race, March 1978, Miss Mary French, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Powers, Mrs. Corwin Johns, Mrs. Oglesby, Natatorium, Old Decatur, old High School, oral history, recording, Rev. Fielding Ewing, Riverside Park, Samuel Powers, shorthorn cattle, swimming lessons, train service, Wood Street School
Mr. and Mrs. William Bankson's Oral History
Tags: 1986, 4-H, Bethany IL, Betty Turnell, big hook, Boy Scouts, childhood, choir, clothing donation, Decatur IL, Decatur Roundhouse, diesel locomotives, electric welding trade, family life, First United Methodist Church, Forsyth IL, grease cup filler, Great Depression, handyman, Hubert Bankson, interview, labor gang, machinist, machinist's helper, March 1986, Marilyn Bankson, Mexico, mission, Mr. and Mrs. William Bankson, Mrs. William Bankson, Music, North Dakota, oral history, passenger trains, recording, steam crane, Steam Locomotives, train wrecks, Trains, travelling, Wabash Railroad, William Bankson, wrecker, wrecking crew