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Photo of Roy Stroyeck in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Stroyeck, Roy, residence 2321 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Robert Smith in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Smith, Robert, son of Orville Smith, Decatur, IL.
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Pvt. Charles Parker in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Parker, Pvt. Charles; Article on back of photo; "Pvt. Charles Parker, of the U.S. army infantry, is home on convalescent furlough after two years in Iceland and four months service in England. He carries a small piece of…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., England, Iceland, World War II, WWII
Photo of Sgt. Earl E. Oswald in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Oswald, Sgt. Earl E., Article on back of photo; "Sgt. Earl e. Oswald, who was wounded twice and kept on fighting in the Tunisian campaign, is home on furlough from North Africa and Sicily. He and his pretty North Carolina…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., North Africa, Sicily, World War II, Wounded, WWII
Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees Standing on Courthouse Steps.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Macon County, IL. Draftees; Article on back of photo; "Called by the raul draft board were left to right: Front Row: G. C. Weidner, Kenneth Zimmerman, Harold D. Newsham, James L. Williams; Second Row: Blaine Olen…
Photo of Lieut Orville Harlan in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Harlan, Lieut. Orville; Article on back of photo; "Officer Is Home, Lieut Harlan Has Praise for Medics. Lieut Orville Harlan, who came home this month in a litter aboard a C-57 from the First Army spearhead, say the…
Tags: Decatur IL., First Army, Germany, World War II, Wounded, WWII
Photo of Carl C. Slayton in uniform holding sword
Herald and Review Library: Slayton, C. Slayton; Article on back of photo; "Carl C. Slayton, a chief motor machinist's mate in the navy, was here on a short leave last week with his father, Oatie Slayton, 461 south Webster street."
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Eugene Randolph in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Randolph, Eugene, Article on back of photo; "Randolph Discharged; Eugene Randolph has been given an honorable discharge from the army and has returned to the home of his mother, Mrs. C. P. Randolph, 344 North Main street.…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL., Sharpshooter, World War II, WWII
Photo of Ensign Grover Lawrence Engle, Jr. in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Engle, Grover Lawrence Jr., 2/6/1942. Property of Herald and Review, credit - Hubbard. Article on back: "Ensign Grover Lawrence Engle, Jr., has reported for duty on the East coast after spending a 10-day furlough…
Tags: Decatur IL, Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Robert F. Downey
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Downey, Robert F., 1/5/1942. Article on back of photo: "Robert F. Downey, 525 N. Seventeenth St., son of John J. Downey, was graduated from Chanute Field Wednesday, and left the next day, Jan. 1, for Wichita Falls,…
Tags: Army Air Corps, Atwood IL., Decatur IL, U.S. AAF, World War II, WWII