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Photo of Charles Kraft, Pres. of Decatur Chair Factory and interior photos.
Photograph of "Charles J. F. Craft, President of the Decatur Chair Factory. The factory started here in 1904 but went bankrupt in 1906. After leaving Decatur he became ass't sales agent of the National Fireproofing Co. Photo ran Nov. 27, 1904."…
Photo of Charles Johnson, Jr. in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Johnson, Pvt. Charles Jr., Article on back of photo: "Pvt. Johnson Returns, Pvt. Charles Johnson, Jr., returned Tuesday to Camp Lejune, N. c. after a four-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles…
Tags: Decatur IL., U. S. Marine Corps, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles J. Schuster
Photograph of Charles J. Schuster, Secretary and Treasurer; A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co.
Photo of Charles Irvin Hickman in cockpit of airplane with name on the side
Herald and Review Library: Hickman, Charles Irvin; Article on back of photo; "Charles Irvin Hickman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Hickman, 1476 East Johns avenue, has been graduated from the army air force advanced flying school at Stockton Field,…
Tags: Army Air Forces, Decatur IL., U. S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles I. Hickman in bomber jacket with headset
Herald and Review Library: Hickman, Charles I.; Article on back of photo; "Charles I. Hickman of 1476 East Johns avenue has completed his basic pilot training at the U. S. Army air Forces at Chico army flying school. He spent three years in the army…
Photo of Charles H. Kippenhan in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Kippenhan, Charles H., Article on back of photo; "Coast Guard Ensign Charles H. Kippenhan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kippenhan of 1575 North Main Street, is on duty as communications officer aboard a coast guard manned…
Tags: Decatur IL., Naperville, U. S. Coast Guard, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles F. Spiker in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Spiker, Charles F.; Article on back of photo; "Charles F. Spiker, private first class, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spiker of 345 North Twentieth street, returned recently to his National Guard company stationed at Camp…
Tags: 130th Inf., Army, Decatur IL., National Guard, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles F. Danner in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Danner, Charles F., 1/22/1943. Free cut print, property of Herald and Review, Article on back of photo: "Charles F. Danner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Danner, East Division Street, spent a five-day leave with his…
Tags: Army, Decatur IL, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles Cook, Jr. in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cook, Charles Jr., son of Charles Cook, Sr., 4/26/1944
Tags: Army, Decatur IL, Military, World War II, WWII
Photo of Charles C. Morris in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Morris, Fireman Charles C., Article on back of photo; "Fireman Charles C. Morris, fireman first class, son of Mrs. T. Sharp, rural route 4, Decatur, has completed basic training at submarine school at New London, Conn.,…
Tags: Decatur IL., Mt. Zion IL., Navy, Submarine Training, World War II, WWII