Browse Items (8516 total)
Properties Committee Report Board of Trustees October 1961
Properties Committee Report Board of Trustees March 1962
Properties Committee Report Board of Trustees June 1962
Properties Committee Meeting Minutes of the Board of Trustees March 1960
Profile of the Illinois Traction Inc. Decatur Belt Line (6/17/1925)
Tags: #8.003, 1925, 6/17/1925, belt line, Center St., Church St., Cushing St., Decatur IL, Dunham St., Elevation, Fairview Ave., Grand Ave., Green St., Harrison St., ICRR, Illinois Central Railroad, Illinois Traction Inc., ISHRAB, ISHRAB-2017-25-26, ITS, King St., Leafland Ave., McKinley Ave., N. Main St., N. Water St., Office of Engineer, profile, profile of Decatur belt line, Railroad Map Collection, Sawyer St., Streets, Union Blvd., Van Dyke St., Wabash, Wabash Railroad, Wabash Railway, Wabash RR, Wagner St.
Professor Glen R. Smith's Oral History
Tags: 100 companies, 4-day week, 4hr courses, advisors, Alpha Kappa Psi, assistant professor, banquet, Betty Turnell, Business Administration, business machines, caroling, CCI Delegate, Chairman of Business Department, Chairman of History Department, changes to courses, Cherokee Indians, childhood, cookies, Daniel Gage, Dean C.L. Miller, Dean of Liberal Arts, Dean of School of Business and Industrial Management, Decatur IL, Director of Business Placement, Dr. Bill Williams, Dr. Clyde Dennis, Ed Plungis, faculty athletic representative, First National Bank of Decatur, former students, fraternities and sororities finances, future of Millikin, General Motors Central Foundry, Glen R. Smith, grocery book, high school, honors, Illinois Bell telephone, interview, interview rooms, interviews, John Waller, junior college, Kansas, Kansas City MO, letters of appreciation, manager, Millikin newspaper, Millikin radio station, Millikin Tea, Millikin University, new buildings, Oklahoma, oral history, placement forms, President Roger Miller, Principles of Economics, Professor Emeritus, Ralph Allen, ranches, Recognition, recording, retirement, rising enrollment, School of Nursing, student, student life, Summer placement, Teacher, Television, textbooks, University Center, Veterans Administration, Veterans Bill, Veterans' Counselor, World War II, yearbook dedication