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  • Tags: Grocery

C. W. Fletcher Grocery
Photograph of C. W. Fletcher Grocery at 1088 S. Franklin St.,, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Eisner Grocers
Photograph of Eisner Grocery Store No. 1 located at 345 W. Eldorado Street, Decatur, IL.

Photographs from the Lyons Feed Store Fire
Photographs taken from the August 27, 1912 fire that occurred on Green St and affected many properties including the George W. Lyons Feed Store. The fire was discovered in the hay of the Lyons feed store and quickly spread throughout the store and to…

Photo of Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store
Photograph of the Piggly Wiggly Store and Roy Richardson - Piggly Wiggly corner of Marietta and Oakland. The Piggly Wiggly stores became Eisner Stores.

Photo of Grinstead Grocery
Photograph of Grinstead Grocery Building, located at 895 W. King St., Decatur, IL.

Photos of Miscellaneous Unknown Businesses.
Photograph of Unknown Hair Dressers. Photograph of unknown hair dresser from Decatur Business 978.358, p.123.

Photo of Unknown Grocery Store.
Photograph of Employees Checking Out Customers in an Unknown Grocery Store.

Photo Cloyd's Food Center Storefront

Photograph of Cloyd's Food Center located at 876 W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photo of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery

BS1084- E. Kk. Erhart bros  grocery077.jpg
Photograph of the interior of E. K. Ehrhart Bros. Grocery Store located at 774 W. Green St., Decatur, IL.