Browse Items (8620 total)

Photo of Master Sgt. Howard E. White in uniform
Herald and Review Library: White, M/Sgt. Howard E., Article on back of photo; "White Overseas Again; Master Sgt. Howard E. White of Argenta has gone overseas for the second time. He had served tow and one-half years in the Caribbean area, and was in…

Photo of Master Sergeant Ellsworth H. Dansby of the Tuskegee Airmen
WWII - Ellsworth H. Dansby, Jr. Decatur resident that served in WWII as the 1st U.S. Air Corps Master Sergeant of the 1st African American fighter squadron known as the Tuskegee Airmen. c. 1943

Photo of Masonic Temple W. William St.
Photograph of the Masonic Temple on W. William St. including several automobiles parked along the street.

Photo of Marlyn E. Williams in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Williams, Marlyn E.; Article on back of photo; "Williams Returns, Marlyn E. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williams, 685 West Cushing avenue, has returned to officer training school operated by the navy at Terre Haute,…

Photo of Mark C. Spies in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Spies, Mark C., Article on back of photo; "Spies Promoted; Mark C. Spies, son of Mrs. Mark Spies, 1538 North Edward street, has been recently promoted to lieutenant commander in the navy. Commander Spies was radio engineer…

Photo of Marjorie A. (Lyon) Cunningham in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cunningham, James Grayson, (Mrs. Marjorie A. Lyon) 5/13/1943.

Photo of Marie's Cafe Building.

BS1897-Jasper Street Cafe1954-120.jpg
Photograph of Marie's Cafe located at 540 N. Jasper St., Decatur, IL. Cafe was owned by Mrs. Marie B. Risser.

Photo of Marie Meyer, Known as Pioneer Theater Organist in Decatur, IL.
Photograph of Marie Meyer; "b. 4/12/1887; d. 10/13/1955; daughter of George and Mary Housum Meyer; known as the pioneer theater organist in Decatur, starting with the old Bijou Theater in the early 1900's; organist of all theaters in Decatur during…

Photo of man getting fingerprinted during enlistment into the army.
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Walter Buckles enlistment; "Article on back of photo; "Descriptions of life in Uncle Sam's draft army will be written from training camp for the Herald-Review by Walter Buckles, A Decatur registrant who applied for…