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Photographs of Fire Department Steamer
Photographs of the Fire Departments steamer, taken around the time of the Morehouse & Wells fire on August 22, 1909. One photograph taken on East Main St. The arrival of fire equipment on the square often brought crowds of curious onlookers.
Photograph of Frank L. Bickes
Photograph of Frank L. Bickes; died Aug. 21, 1936. Decatur contractor for 50 years. He was a member of the old Decatur Volunteer firemen. He served as a paid fireman when the Fire Department was established.
Photograph of Charles W. Devore
Photograph of Charles W. Devore; died March 31, 1920. Decatur Fire Chief for 30 years and on the Fire Department force for 36 years. He was appointed a member of the National Bureau of Fire Prevention. He was the last member of the first paid Fire…
Photographs of John D. "Jack" Duffey
Photographs of John D. "Jack" Duffey; died March 23, 1937. Veteran Decatur Fireman. He served nearly 35 years on the Fire Department. He left the Fire Department about 1912 and for about 12 years was head of Mueller's Fire Department. Later he served…
Photograph of Will. F. Ferris
Photograph of Will F. Ferris; died November 28, 1915. A member of the Decatur Fire Department. He was engineer for Engine Co. No. 2 in 1904.
Photographs of Ira D. Leech
Photographs of Ira D. Leech; died November 20, 1963. Served in World War I and returned to Decatur to become a member of the Fire Department in 1920. After working for a year as a hoseman, he was briefly laid off in 1921, but returned in 1922 as a…
Photographs of Edward Platt.
Photograph of Edward Platt; died March 3, 1946, married to Alice Brown; died March 12, 1925, married to Bertha Becker in 1927. Served twice as chief of the Decatur Fire Department; became a member in 1888 and resigned in June, 1933.
Photograph of Edward Platt and Lawrence L. Gibbons
Photograph of Fire Chief Edward Platt and head of detectives Lawrence L. Gibbons as Chief Platt claims the trophy as a token of his department having won the annual firemen-policemen baseball game.
Photographs of Will Platt
Photographs of Will Platt; died March 12, 1948; married to Gertrude Ruthrauff. Decatur fire chief from June, 1933 to 1941 when he retired. Served 49 years and 2 months with fire department; first appointed in March, 1892.
Photograph of Ed Platt Receiving Medal
Photograph of Fire Chief Ed Platt being presented by Commissioner Tom Moran a gold medal as a token of the esteem of businessmen and friends of the East Eldorado street business district in which is located No. 2 firehouse where he served for 39…
Tags: 1934, biography, Business, Chief, Decatur IL, Ed Platt, Eldorado, fire, Fire Department, Firemen, Medal, Moran, Photo File: Fire Department, Platt, Tom Moran