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Photo of Donald Tipsword repairing a generator
Herald and Review Library: Tipsword, Donald; Article on back of photo; "6th Army Group, Germany, photo taken 2/25/1945, Shown repairing a power generator along the 6th Army Group front is Tech. 4th Grade Donald E. Tipsword, 2176 East North street,…
Tags: 12th Armored Div., 6th Army Group, Army, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Donald E. Robinson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Robinson, Donald E., Article on back of photo; "Donald Robinson, Donald E. Robinson, pharmacist's mate second class, is spending a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jett Robinson of 2000 Roosevelt avenue, after…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, Pacific, Pharmacy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Donald E. Mathias in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Mathias, Donald E., Article on back of photo; by-line Martha Williams of H&R Staff; "Donald E. Mathias, fireman first class, of Bethany, is home with the story of bravery and coolness displayed by the crew of the aircraft…
Tags: Angel, Bethany IL., Mt. Zion IL., Navy, Sgt. Joe King, U.S. Franklin, World War II, WWII
Photo of Donald E. Cook in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Cook, Donald E., 8/5/1943.
Tags: Army, Decatur IL, Military, World War II, WWII
Photo of Donald C. Anderson in uniform with bomber jacket
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Anderson, Donald C., 1/19/1944. Official photograph, U.S. Army Air Forces. Article on back of photo: "Donald Anderson, Pana, Wins Bombardier Wings: Donald C. Anderson, Pana, has been commissioned a second lieutenant…
Tags: Army Air Force, Bombardier, Decatur IL, U. S. AAF, World War II, WWII
Photo of Diz Dean WSOY Radio Personality
Photograph of Diz Dean and two other gentlemen.
Photo of Dick Weatherby in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Weatherby, Dick; Article on back of photo; "Weatherby Home; Dick Weatherby, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. e. Weatherby, 138 West Prairie avenue, is home on a nine-day leave from Great Lakes naval Training…
Tags: Decatur IL., Navy, World War II, WWII
Photo of Dewsy's Dine-A-Mite Restaurant
Photograph of Dewsy's Dine-A-Mite Restaurant located at 365 E. Wood St., Decatur, IL.
Photo of Dewey M. Stansberry in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Stansberry, Pvt. Dewey M., Article on back of photo; "Pvt. Dewey M. Stansberry, former employee of the Grohne Concrete Products Co., is stationed with the army air corps at Keesler Field Miss., where he is learning to be an…
Tags: AAF, Airplane Mechanic, Army Air Corps, Decatur IL., World War II, WWII
Photo of Decatur Traction and Electric Co. Power House
Photograph of Decatur Traction and Electric Co. Power House, 405-409 Wabash Avenue. Built in 1899 and abandoned as power house five years later. It was used by several different firms as a warehouse and was torn down in June 1937.