Browse Items (8655 total)

Photo of Darrell D. Roberts in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Roberts, Darrell D., husband of Mrs. Charlene Roberts, 637 W. Leafland, Decatur, IL. Article on back of photo; "Corporal Darrell Roberts, winner of a $50.00 War Bond for his help on Food Conservation and awarded…

Photo of Darrell D. Mesnard in uniform with name tag and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Mesnard, Darrell D., Article on back of photo: "Darrell D. Mesnard, son of Mrs. Hazel G. Ray, 1804 East Wood street, have been graduated from navigation school at Hondo army air field, Hondo, Texas. Before entering service…

Photo of Darrell C. and Evelyn L. (Friis) Dash in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Dash, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell C., 8/29/1944. Lindquist Photo. Article on back: "Miss Evelyn Lorene Friis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .Clarence E. Friis of Maroa and Corp. Darrell C. Dash, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dash…

Photo of Dan Higgins ParisTheater on 1234 E. Eldorado St., Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the Dan Higgins Theater located at 1234 E. Eldorado St. c. 1914.

Photo of Dale Roderick in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Roberick, Dale; Article on back of photo; "Dale Roderick of Decatur arrived at Neah Bay, Wash. Recently he was home on a furlough visit with his wife and son who live at 1928 North Walnut Grove.

Photo of Dale C. Riley in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Riley, Dale C., son of Mrs. Nettie G. Riley, 3385 Faries Park Road, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Dale C. Erwin and crewmembers
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Erwin, Dale C., 2/19/1943. Associated Press Photo stamp. Article on back of photo: "Dale C. Erwin of Clay...IL, was on of a group of officers and men honored aboard (Erwin second from right) their ship last month for…

Photo of Dairy Queen Building

BS1024-Dairy Queen.jpg
Photograph of a Dairy Queen Building in Decatur, IL.

Photo of Curtis Truck Co. Interior of the Building.

Photograph of the interior of the "Curtis Truck Co., located at N. Woodford and Curtis Ave., was erected in 1907-1908 for the Curtis Truck Co. In 1916 it was sold to the Decatur Malleable Iron Co.