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- Tags: A.G. Webber
Residence - 487 Ewing Ave. - A.G. Webber Home
Tags: 1893-1974, A.G. Webber, About Town, Albert G. Webber, Article, assessor's office, attorney, Centennial History of Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, city directory, Conversations, description, drawing, floor plan, Harry J. Kemper, Helen Besson, Herald and Review, History, J. W. Alexander, Judge A.G. Webber III, Leon Pullen, Mabel E. Richmond, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, Margaret Meyer, Obituary, office of recorder of deeds, owners, Progressive Decatur, Register of Old Buildings, Webber Fill
Albert G. Webber III's Oral History
Tags: 1982, A.G. Webber, A.G. Webber II, A.G. Webber III, A.G. Webber IV, air conditioned courtrooms, Albert G. Webber III, appeals, Appellate Bench, apprentice, bar exam, Betty Turnell, changes to judicial courts, chopping wood, Circuit Bench, Circuit Clerk's vault, class action suits, close friends, confidential advisor, County Board, County Court, Cumberland Charter, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Decatur IL, Des Moines IA, Dorothy Brown, fourth courthouse construction, Fourth District Appellate Court, general counsel, hangings, Hieronymus Mueller, immigrant, interview, James Millikin, judge, Judge John McCoy, Judge Morthland, judicial amendment, Keokuk IA, law school, lawyer, legal notices, legal work, Macon County Sheriff, Master in Chancery, Millikin Family, Millikin Homestead, Millikin University, Mueller family, Navy, office boy, oral history, public defendants, railroading, recording, Rev. Hawkins, Richard Welsh, Rock Island Railroad, sequestered jury, suppression of confession, third courthouse, trial bench, University of Illinois Law School, World War I, World War II
A.G. Webber III's Oral History: Mueller Story
Tags: "Lost 40", "Old Black Joe", "The Mueller Story", 1982, A.G. Webber, A.G. Webber III, Adolf Mueller, apprentice, Benito Mussolini, Betty Turnell, Canada, Chamber of Commerce trip, counsel for Mueller Co., Decatur IL, Division of labor, double desks, Duke Mueller, employee recreation, Everett Mueller, Frank Mueller, Fred Mueller, gardening, gas piping, grandfather, Great Depression, gun shop, Henry Mueller, Hieronymus Mueller, hiking club, immigrant, interview, Inventions, Jack Banton, judge, lawyer, machinist, Millikin Place, Mueller Company, Mueller factory, Mueller lawyer, Mueller Lodge, Mueller Picnic, Mueller village, office space, oral history, Oscar Mueller, patents, pay phone, Phillip Mueller, Plant, Port Huron MI, prairie forest, Public Relations, railroading, recording, Robert Mueller, Rockford IL, Rome Italy, sales, Sarni Ontario, South Shores, straw hat, tomatoes
Mrs. Frank M. Ware
Tags: "speedys" letters, 1984, A.G. Webber, Absolum Newland, accounting department, August 1984, automobile tires, bank failure, Betty Turnell, bookkeeping machine, brother's surgery, Brown's Business College, cactus, cafeteria, carbon paper, Caterpillar Co., Caterpillar Military Engine Co., changes to Decatur, Chautauqua, choir, cottonwood tree, crystal radio sets, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Lumber Co., doctor's office, Dr. N.D. Meyers, Dr. William Barnes, Dune School, education, electronics courses, Fairview Park, Faries Manufacturing Co., First Lutheran Church, Flood, Florida, Forest Grove School, Frank Ware, general labor, George W. Keller, Great Depression, greenhouse, grocery store, hauling coal, Helen Harder, Hilltop Greenhouse, interview, Jackson St. School, Jasper County IL, Johns Hill, lap rugs, Leader Iron Works, Lincoln Coop Apartments, Lincoln Flower Shop, Log Cabin, Louisa Newland, Madam Corolla Lous Tuca, McKinley assassination, mortgage, Mound School, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Frank M. Ware, neighborhood picnic, Nelson Park, new pews, oral history, Payroll, perpetual inventory, Postal Service, pottery, purchasing department, radio diagrams, raising plants, ready-made radios, receptionist, recording, retirement, sales department, short-hand, Signal Depot, singing, small business, Snake Hill, St. Mary's Hospital, Staley Company, Streetcars, succulents, T.T. Springer, toolmaker, Transfer House, truck barn, voice lessons, Warren St. School, Weber Fill, William Shorb, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII