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  • Tags: board of directors

Fred Kipp
Photograph of Fred Kipp (d. 8/8/1928). He was a prominent grocer in Decatur. He came to Decatur in 1882, and was in business with Mark Moran for several years before going out on his own. The store was located on E. Eldorado St. Kipp was a former…

Board of Directors Meeting on June 17, 1966.

Board of Directors meeting on June 17, 1966 to discuss auditors' report, book purchases, new hires, resignations, Civil Service Commission, overdue book notices, Neighborhood Youth Corps and financial report.

Board of Directors Meeting on October 14, 1966

Meeting of the Board of Directors October 14, 1966 to approve minutes of the regular board meeting on September 9, 1966 and the special meeting on September 19, 1966.

Board of Directors Meeting on November 18, 1966.

Board of Directors Meeting on November 18, 1966, reports from the Finance, Personnel, Policy and Properties Committees.

Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting December 16, 1966.

Board of Directors Meeting on December 16, 1966 to discuss income and expenditures, pay grades, health and accident insurance and new by-laws.

Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting on December 16, 1966, adopt new by-laws.

Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting on December 16, 1966 to adopt new by-laws, hire children's department librarian, holiday closings, and resignation of board member.

Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting January 13, 1967

Decatur Public Library Board of Directors Meeting on January 13, 1967. Discussed letter from Deputy State Librarian regarding Appropriation and Levies on Village Libraries. Reorganization of the Library's Table of Organization. Mr. Dumas reported on…