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- Tags: mayor of Decatur
Benjamin Z. Taylor
D.H. Conklin
Elmer R. Elder and His Family
Tags: Assistant supervisor, biography, Board of Supervisors, chairman of hard roads, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur IL, Decatur Township, Elder family, Elmer R. Elder, Grace Methodist Church, Lions Club, Masons, Mayor, mayor of Decatur, Modern Woodmen of America, Photo File: Biography, Rembrandt Studios, Route 10, Staley Viaduct, unknown children, unknown woman
O. W. Lewis
Residence - 695 S. Crea St. - Borchers Home
Tags: 1905-1974, 19th district, 52nd district, 63rd congress, 695 S. Crea St., A. Webber Borchers, About Town, Alice Borchers, articles, assessor's office, biographies, Blue Book of the State of Illinois, Charles M. Borchers, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city building and improvements list, comments, Decatur IL, descriptions, discussions, drawings, Herald and Review, History, Macon County Historical Coordinating Council, mayor of Decatur, obituaries, photographs, present owner, Register of Old Buildings, Ten Gallon Lil fountain, trial