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  • Tags: Board of Supervisors

Elmer R. Elder and His Family
Photograph of Elmer R. Elder (b. 1/13/1878, d. 2/4/1928) and his family. Elder was elected mayor of Decatur in 1923 over Dan Dinneen. He entered politics in 1920, and was elected to the board of supervisors as the Assistant Supervisor of Decatur…

Mrs. Albert H. Cope
Photograph of Mrs. Albert H. Cope (b. 11/24/1860, d. 9/17/1952). She had married George H. Theobald (d. 1/31/1925), and Albert H. Cope in 1927. Albert was a brick contractor who served several terms as the city building inspector. He was also a…

John Allen
Photograph of John Allen, a Decatur realtor for many years. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors, and was the chairman of the Board of Review in 1899. Allen was elected circuit clerk and recorder in 1900, and served for 19 years. In 1919,…