Browse Items (95 total)
- Tags: publications
League of Women Voters - Finances - Budget - 1961 to 1985
Tags: 1961-1985, activities, annual report, Balances, bulletins, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, contributions, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Disbursements, dues, Expenditures, Finances and Budget, instructions, League of Women Voters, monthly reports, pledge to state, postage, publications, rentals, treasure's report
Dr. C.R. Cassity's Oral History
Tags: 1989, Adelia Sinkov, algebra, American Mathematical Society, Army Security Agency, Betty Turnell, cathedral, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, childhood, Community Concert Association, computer department, cryptanalysis, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Dr. C.R. Cassity, electrical contracting business, Elizabeth Smith, Environmental Research Corporation, family life, farm, farming, first street lighting, General Electric, geometry, Hudson River, interview, Masters Degree, mathematics, May 1989, Michigan State University, Millikin University, missile and space division, Music, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New York City, one-room country school, oral history, Orange NJ, Ph.D, publications, recording, Red Cross, SIAM, St. Paul MN, The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, tunnel, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Westinghouse, William F. Friedman
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - August 1946
Tags: 1946, board meeting, call to order, chairmanships, Chatter Lounge, Chicago monthly meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Foreign Policy, Government and its Operations, League of Women Voters, Membership, membership drive and tea, Mrs. D. Wood, Mrs. Fryxell, President Miss Redman, publications, Social Welfare, study group plans, Women's Council, YWCA
League of Women Voters - April 1950
Tags: Action and Programs, Annual Meeting, bulletin, Candidates meeting, Committee Reports, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Economic and International Relations, Finance, Gateway amendment, Katherine Donovan secretary, League of Women Voters, Membership committee, Mrs. Kuhn president, National Arena, New Officers, nominating committee, pamphlet, proposed budget, publications, publicity, Votes Services
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - June 2 and June 30 1955
Tags: agricultural survey, board meetings, Broyles Bills, Eileen Gebhardt secretary, Expenses, Finance Drive, freedom agenda, HB #889, HB#539, International Relations Chair, League of Women Voters, membership luncheon, membership map, mental health letter, Minutes, Mrs. H. W. Gibson president, nominating committee, orientation, proposed calendar, PTA presidents, publications, school revenue, state convention, trade survey, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Welcome Wagon, WTVP
League of Women Voters - September 1961- board meeting
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 1963
Tags: Agenda, board meeting, council management workshop, January speaker Mr. Virgil Grant Caterpillar, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. Bachrach president Mrs. Meyerson secretary, Proposed agenda for January 31, publications, Sanitary District Referendum, school study workshop, Town Meeting, treasurer's report, Urban renewal, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 31, 1963
League of Women Voters - March Meetings- 1963
Tags: Agenda, Annual Meeting, board meeting, by-laws, Circulation editor, convention, CR Chairmen, flyers, Foreign Policy, Get-out-the-vote, ideas for next year, international booklet, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Bachrach president, Mrs. Doubleday secretary, Mrs. Meyerson secretary, Park Board Elections, PR, program coordinator, publications, reorganization committee, school study, secretary, Special Meeting, State Conventions, Time for Action, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters Services