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- Tags: New York City
Residence - 464 W. North St. - E.A. Gastman Home (34 W. North St.)
Tags: Article, assessor's office, Belle Hobbs, biography, Caroline Sargent, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, description, Diantha Barnes, EA Gastman, Earl Davis, EM Hopper, Frances Peterson, George Gastman, Herald and Review, History, James Simpson, Macon County Coordinating Council, New York City, Obituary, owners, Preservation in Decatur, superindendent of schools
Charlotte Wait Holder' Oral History
Tags: 14-room house, 815 W. Main St., Amusement Park, Arcade Hotel, automobile, Barn, Bermuda, Betty Turnell, Bicycle, Blue Book, Bob Hope, Buick, changes in Decatur, Charlotte Wait Holder, childhood, Citizens Building, clubhouse, Country Club, cruise ship, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, department stores, Downtown, Dreamland Lake, Dreamland Park, England, Ethel Barrymore, Fairview Park, fashion, fire, Fishing Club, Florida, Ford Model T, France, Gebhart Store, golf, golf house, Gushards Store, high-top shoes, horse, Interurban station, interurbans, interview, Italy, Jerusalem, Lemonwood School, Lincoln Highway, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Medira, men's club, merry-go-round, Miami FL, Michigan, New York, New York City, Ohio, oral history, Powers Opera House, Powers Theatre, private club, recording, road markers, roller coaster, Roosevelt Junior High School, ship, South Side Country Club, Southmoreland, Spain, stage plays, Stewarts Store, Streetcars, summer vacation, swimming lake, swimming pool, tennis court, tire blow outs, train, Transfer House, Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, wholesale drug and notions store, winter vacation, Wood St. School
Dr. C.R. Cassity's Oral History
Tags: 1989, Adelia Sinkov, algebra, American Mathematical Society, Army Security Agency, Betty Turnell, cathedral, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, childhood, Community Concert Association, computer department, cryptanalysis, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Dr. C.R. Cassity, electrical contracting business, Elizabeth Smith, Environmental Research Corporation, family life, farm, farming, first street lighting, General Electric, geometry, Hudson River, interview, Masters Degree, mathematics, May 1989, Michigan State University, Millikin University, missile and space division, Music, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New York City, one-room country school, oral history, Orange NJ, Ph.D, publications, recording, Red Cross, SIAM, St. Paul MN, The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, tunnel, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Westinghouse, William F. Friedman
Martha A. Montgomery's Oral History
Tags: 1976, Anacostia, Austin Township, Betty Turnell, civilian rehabilitation work, counseling work, Decatur Genealogical Society, Decatur High School, dispatch, early life, family history, Great Depression, Illinois State Genealogical Society, Illinois State University, inventory, Jacksonville FL, James Renshaw, Kenney High School, Lakeview High School, Latin, letter, Macon County Historical Society, Macy's Department Store, Maroa IL, Martha A. Montgomery, Mt. Holyoke College, Naval Air Station, New York City, November 1976, Oak Park High School, oral history, Parson's School of Design, Polywog, Public Works, recording, salaries, San Diego CA, U.S. Navy, University of Illinois, University of Indiana, Washington D.C., WAVES, Wood School, World War II, WWII