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Photos of Michl's Cigar Store Indian, Photos of Store Employees.

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Photographs of Michl's Cigar Store Indian Statue. Employees discussing cigars and employee behind the counter.

Photos of the Meadow Gold Horses and Wagons.

Photos of Meadow Gold Delivery Man feed his horse. Photo of Meadow Gold Dairy Delivery Men with their horses. Photos of Man from the Eastwood Restaurant giving the Meadow Gold Horse a treat. Photo of David and Dan Sanner standing by the Meadow Gold…

Photos of Meadow Gold Delivery Men With Their Horses.

Photograph of Meadow Gold Delivery Men With Their Horse. Two ladies give a Meadow Gold Horse a treat. Photograph of lady holding a bucket of food for a Meadow Gold Horse. Photograph of two children petting a Meadow Gold Horse. Photograph of man…

Photos of Meadow Gold Horse Drawn Wagons and Milk Delivery Men.

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Photographs of Horse Drawn Delivery Wagons and Milkmen, Meadow Gold Dairy, Decatur, IL.