Browse Items (8543 total)

Photos from the Oklahoma Addition, located close to the Sangamon River.
Photographs of the Oklahoma Addition showing the living conditions before and after flooding. It was located between U.S. 51 and Jasper Street

Photos from the Herald and Review
Photo BS318: Review Composing Room-1895. Photo ran in the Review Building Edition December 1895. The composing room was on the fourth floor. Photo BS319: Composing Room Foreman's Office. This was located on the fourth floor at the left of the…

Photos from the Grigoleit Co.

Photographs of products made by the Grigoleit Co. located on the corner of Woodford and Garfield Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photos from the Daily Review
Photo BS324: Composing Room --1913. The composing room was on the second floor of the annex. Those identified in photo are, left to right, W. H. Kinkade, Charles Vest, Lawrence Hale, Earl Horine, George Eaton, and Henry Hoedinghaus. In the…

Photos from Sand and Gravel Co.

Photograph of worker at Central Controls, Sand and Gravel Co. Photograph of the conveyor belts at the Sand and Gravel Co.