Browse Items (8543 total)
Photographs of People at Miscellaneous Taverns
Photographs of Patrons Inside the Decatur Public Library during the Grand Opening at the New Franklin St. Location
Photographs of Patrons at the Carnegie Library
Photographs of Parson School Building and Dedication.
Photographs of Parents and Children signing up for the 2002 Summer Reading Program.
Photographs of Outside Views of St. Mary's Hospital
Photographs of Old Volunteer Firefighters Reunion
Tags: 1928, 1931, 1932, Decatur IL, fire, Fire Department, Firefighter, Firemen, Photo File: Fire Department, picnic, reunion, Volunteers
Photographs of Oglesby School Fathers Club
Tags: Club, Decatur IL, Fathers, Fathers Club, Instruments, Music, Oglesby, Oglesby School, Photo File: Schools, school, Schools
Photographs of North Water Street over several decades.
Tags: 100 Block, 1896, 1996, 200 Block, 400 Block, Aerial View, Bazley Meats, Bijou Theatre, Buildings Demolished, Bursteins Womens Apparel, Decatur Drug, Decatur Dry Goods, Decatur IL., Empress Theatre, Empty Lot, Methodist Church, Millikin Bank, Moose, Neustadts Clothing, Night Scene, North Water Street, Osgood, Postcard Photo, Raupp's Shoes, Richman Brothers Clothing, Roth-Johnson Drug Store, S. Park St., Street Cars, Streets, Uniforms