Browse Items (8620 total)

Photo of Paul K. Gould in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Gould, Paul K., Article on back of photo; "Paul K. Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gould, 535 south Twenty-second Place, recently spent a furlough here after completing a course in advanced aviation in Chicago. before…

Photo of Paul E. Wilson in flight suit in front of airplane
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Paul E., Article on back of photo; "Paul E. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wilson, 976 North Monroe street, has returned to duty in the Pacific after spending a week with his parents. He has served in the navy…

Photo of Paul E. Jeter in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Jeter, Paul E., Article on back of photo; "Paul E. Jeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jeter, 1121 West Decatur street, also graduated from bomber pilot school at Pampa Field. His wife is the former Veatta M. Grace, 523 East…

Photo of Paul Duwane Gillespy in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Gillespy Honor Grad; Article on back of photo; "Paul Duwane Gillespy was graduated from recruit training at Great Lakes Naval training station as honor man of his company. He was selected as honor man by fellow bluejackets…

Photo of Paul Coykendall in flight uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Coykenkall, Paul, 12/30/1943. Son of Mrs. Maude E. Coykendall, R. R. #1, Tuscola, IL."

Photo of Patrick A. Kennedy in Navy Uniform
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Patrick A. Kennedy, 2421 Steele Court, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Pastor of North Woodlawn Baptist Church.
Photograph of Rev. A. Schultz pastor of North Woodlawn Baptist Church, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Parrish Farm Milk House.
Photograph of the Parrish Farm Milk Scene, Sept. 22, 1929.

Photo of Parlor Market Retail Grocery and Meats. Photo of Library Display Window featuring Parlor Market.
Photograph of the Parlor Market, located at 103 N. Main Street, The Food Center, Retail Groceries and Meat. Photograph of Decatur Public Library Display Window featuring Parlor Market.