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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug 2017, Vol XLII-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug 2018, Vol XLIII-2
Tags: 2086-2019 Board., A Time Remembered, Bob Yapp, Decatur, Help Wanted, ill, James MHS, Member Events, Mission Statement, National contest of judges. President's notes, National preservation, newsletter, Relive 1900's, Sarah Grady, Taste of History, Thanks to Pam Marty, Upcoming Events, Vintage Items, Weed Warriers
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug 2020, Vol. XLV-3
Tags: 1876 Highlights, America in Bloom, board of directors, Covid, Decatur, downspouts, groundhogs, Grounds - trees, History Room, HVAC, If Our Walls Could Talk, Illinois, James Millikin Homestead, Mission Statement, MU electricians, Open House, President's Letter, Sweet Treats Bakery, Taste of History, Upcoming Events
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug 2021, Vol. XLVI-3
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug.1992, Vol. XVl-2 or XVll -1
Tags: "Friends Come to Relief/ Mt. Zion Farmers Make up a Purse to Reimburse James Millikin's Loss, 1904 Scene of the Crime Photo, Arthur Ploeger Award in Historic Preservation, Arts on Main Street, Christmas Boutique Workshop, D.A.R. Gives Flag to Homestead (Photos), Decatur, Docents Needed to Lead Homestead Tours, Dorothy Smether's Quilt Program, Eighty Years of Banking, F.H. Faber alias William Bills Burglar, Heritage Network Awards to Cheri Hunter and Ed Huntley, History - Millikins "Entertain" Unwelcome Visitor, History of Macon County 1976, Homestead Membership List, IL, James Millikin Homestead, John Scott's Lost Hat, Landscaping Update, Membership Information, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Day Photo, O.T. (Jack) Banton, Polic Chief Capt. Koeppe The Life and Story of James Millikin by Albert Taylor, Victorian Christmas Reception, You Can't Keep a Good Flag Down
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug1991, Vol XV-2 or XVl-1
Tags: 100th Anniversary Banner Photo, 1975 Opening of the Homestead, 1976: 100th Anniversary Celebration, A Nolte from Your President, Decatur, Decatur Art Institute, Decatur Municipal Band Photo, Fourth of July Party on the Lawn, High-Brow Faire Rummage Sale, Homestead History, IL, Illinois Bicentennial Commission, James Millikin Homestead, James Millikin Homestead Inc., Junior Welfare, Landscaping: Phase ll, Liberty Tree, Lions Club, MacArthur Club Dinner, membership list, The Bell Pull, Uncle Sam - Bill McGaughy Photo, Volunteer Tour Guides Needed, Zonta Club
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug1993, Vol XVl-5 or XVllI-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Aug1994, Vol XVlI-2 or XIX-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Dec 1979, Vol IV-2
Tags: Art Auction, Bell Pull Shop, Christmas Boutique, Decatur, Early Dining Room Picture, Fall Festival, Homestead Calendar., IL, James Millikin Homestead, Marian Miller Needlepoint Vest, Needlepoint Kit, Needlepoint Winners, Public Open house, Santa House, Susan Seifferman Caretaker, Victorian Christmas Party