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Photo of Courthouse taken in 1996.
Photograph of the Macon County Courthouse taken in 1996.
Photo of corner where Millikin National Bank once stood.
Photograph taken at the corner of E. Main and N. Water Streets where Millikin National Bank once stood. Photo taken Aug. 1996.
Photo of Old Morehouse & Wells Building.
Photograph of the old Morehouse and Wells building, located to the left of Flora Gems building.
Photo of Post Office on Franklin Street, Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the Post Office located on Franklin Street, Decatur, IL. Photo by Don Baker.
Photo of Hue Singleton Restaurant
Photographs of Hue Singleton's Restaurant located on the Northwest side of the Lincoln Square. "Negro restaurant operator in Decatur many years."
Photos taken from the Macon County Courthouse Roof in 1996 by Don Baker.
Photograph of S. Franklin and Wood Street taken from the top of the courthouse. Photograph of the roofs of different parts of the courthouse and S. Franklin. Photograph of Franklin St. Mall and S. Franklin. Photograph of Old City Hall and Greenview…
Tags: 1996, Bus Terminal, City Building, Courthouse Complex Rooftops, Don Baker, Downtown, E. Wood, Franklin St. Mall, Greenview Apartments, KFC Restaurant, Old Court House, Old Grain Elevator, Orlando Apartments, Photo File: Streets, S. Franklin, Sears Building, St. Peter's Catholic Church, Streets, Tommy House Time
Photo of Parking Garage located at 360 E. Wood Street and Franklin.
Photograph of 360 E. Wood Street Parking Garage, taken by Don Baker, 1996.
Data Services Memorandum - July 15, 1976
This is the memorandum and proposal from Don Wood, Director of Data Services at the City of Decatur, to the Board for an automated library system.
David Frahlman
Photograph of David Frahlman skateboarding down Spangler Dr. The photo was taken by Doug Gauman from the Herald and Review, and ran in the Decatur Herald and Review on April 1, 1967.
Letter from Dove, Inc. pertaining to recycling operation - August 2009
This is a letter from Dove Inc. asking the Decatur Public Library to be their new site of recycling in Decatur. This is a letter of proposal date August 2009