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  • Tags: 1895

Photo Aerial View of buildings, First Methodist Church in the background.
Photograph - Aerial views taken in 1895. Looking northeast from Prairie and Main Streets. Church in background was the First Methodist church at Water and William streets

Photo of Elks Club, Masonic Temple and Decatur Club, aerial view
Photograph of Decatur. This aerial view, looking north between Main and Church Streets, is taken from the south side of W. Prairie. It also shows the sites of the Elks Club, Masonic Temple, and Decatur Club.

Henry Clay Montgomery
Photograph of Henry Clay Montgomery, (died Dec 28, 1898). He was elected treasurer of Macon Co. in 1890. Previously he was a wealthy farm owner of Macon, Illinois. He later moved to Decatur but continued his farm affairs. He was senior member of the…

Samuel D. May
Photograph of Samuel D. May (died Aug 17, 1941). Retired Decatur grocer. He was in the grocery business 47 years. He sold his at 134 S. Main in 1922. He was a former director of the Macon Co. Coal Co. He was the oldest living member of Ionic Lodge…

Julius Maienthal
Photograph of Julius Maienthal (died Jan 18, 1944). Former Decatur clothing merchant. The Maienthal Bros. store was located at 100 East Prairie, now occupied by Pfile's Camera Shop. With his brother, Millard, he opened a store on N. Main in 1897.…

Robert I. Hunt
Photograph of Robert I. Hunt (d. 1/9/1937). He came to Decatur in 1892, and married Ann Packard, daughter of Silas Packard. He was prominent in state and city politics. He helped organize and build the Suffern-Hunt Mill and the Polar Ice and…

Dr. William M. Catto
Photograph of Dr. William M. Catto. He was a physician and surgeon with an office in rooms 3-4-5 Fenton Block. He had a residence at 364 W. William St. The photo was taken by Abrams, and used in the Decatur Daily Review in 1895.