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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Dec1990, Vol XlV-3 or XV-2
Tags: A Note From Your President, Anna Millikin Aids Civil War Soldiers, Commodore Stephen Decatur Statue Moved, Decatur, Decatur Historical and Architectural Sites Commision Award, Illinois, James Millikin Homestead, Jane Martin Johns - Decatur's Civil War Chronicler, Jane Martin Johns' "Personal Recollections 1849-1865", Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Mrs. Millikin's Trunk Boutique, Near West Restoration and Preservation Society, new members, Victorian Christmas Party
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 1979, Vol lll - 3
Tags: 4th Annual Meeting, Anna Millikin's Education, Baum School, Beginner's Guide to Antiques, Bell Pull, Carriage House Remodel, Cash Register Tapes, Centennial Lab School, Decatur, Frank Lloyd Wright Homes Tour, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Junker, Kid's Eye View Artwork, Membership Drive, Millikin Cottage, Millikin Fortune, Millikin Heirs, Millikin Style of Entertaining, Mrs. Millikin's Christmas Trunk, Santa House, thank you notes, The Lodge, tours, Wilber Mansion
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 1986, Vol. X-2 or X-3
Tags: "Mansions and Carriages" Illinois Times, 1985 Was a Very Good Year, American Cancer Society Auction, Anniversary Fund, Art Club Entertained (Newspaper), Birks Sisters' Hats, Bobbie Wolfe, Carpet Bedding Landscape, Carriage House Painted, Companies Matching Donations, Decatur, Flu Epidemic of 1918, Help Wanted, Hetty Bartlett Aston's Diary, History of Macon County in Illinois, History of the Families Millangas and Mallanges, How is the Homestead Funded, IL, Illinois Times, James Millikin Homestead, Ladies of the Lamp Photo, Loofbourrow Christmas Tree Photo, Membership Information, Millikin Trust Approached for Roof Funds, Moose Head, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Nancy Van Dyke, New Girl on the Board, Paul T. Millikin, Places and People in Decatur, Pride of the Prairie Commercial, Ridlon Family History, rummage sale, Seco Valley Settlements and Families, Thanks to Millikin University (Mr. Eddy), The Life Story of James Millikin (Albert Taylor, The Millikins of Washington County Pa., Trees Identified, Tri State Trader Magazine, tuckpointing, TV Channel 23 "Newsline"
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 1988, Vol. XII-1 or XII-3
Tags: Anna Millikin Niche in History, Christmas Revisited, Decatur, Decatur Art Class, Gazette Wins Certificate of Excellence, Homestead Interior/Exterior, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Oops Membership Corrections, Ornament Purchase Form., President's Note, The Sound of Our Own Voices Book, Victorian Tea
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 2016, Vol XXXXI-1
Tags: 2015-2016 Board Members, Ann Pondelick, annual meeting date, Betty Ploeger, Christmas Open House, Decatur, Facebook, ill, In Memoriam, James MHS, Jeanette Bradley, Mission Statement, newsletter, President's message, President's Note, Rental Policy, Stenciling of Hallway and Stairs, Storm Window Project, Sweet Treats Thank You, Thomas Melvin
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 2019, Vol. XLIV-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Feb 2020, XLV-1
Tags: Annual Meeting, Christmas Open House, Decatur, History Room, HVAC problems, Illinois, James Millikin Homestead, James Millikin Trust Grant, membership list, Membership Renewal, Memoriam - Elizabeth Empen, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, MU Spring Film Festival filming, Necessary Rooms Update, Open Houses, President's Letter, Sweet Treats Bakery, Thomas Melvin, Upcoming Events, Vineece Thompson