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Photos of St. Mary's Hospital Wood and Webster Streets.
Photographs of St. Mary's Hospital, Wood and Webster Streets.
Photos of Spudnuts Building on N. Water St.
Photographs of Spudnuts Building on 2779 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL. in the 1970. Spudnuts had a store 1269 N. Edward St. in 1958.
Tags: 1269 N. Edwards, 1958, 1970, 2779 N. Water, BS2147, BS2147A, building, Business, Cecil A. Lowder, Decatur IL., Donuts, Spudnuts
Photos of Spencer-Kellogg Grain Company
Photograph of the Spencer-Kellogg and Sons, Philippines Inc. Photograph of the Spencer-Kellogg buildings and rail yard. Photograph of men working on top of the grain silos. Photograph aerial view of Spencer-Kellogg. Photograph of two men watching…
Photos of Spencer-Kellogg Buildings and Workers
Photograph BS239: Spencer Kellogg and Sons Building. Photo BS240: Building complex c. 1939. Photo BS241: Men working on top of the grain storage silos. Photo BS242: Aerial view of the Spencer-Kellogg Mill. Photo BS243: Men watching construction on…
Tags: BS2144, BS2145, BS239, BS240, BS241, BS242, BS243, BS244, BS245, Buildings, Business, Construction, Conveyors, Decatur IL., Grain Mills, Grain Processing, Noel C. Dicks, Spencer Kellogg, Workers
Photos of Spangler Mill Display at the Macon County History Museum located at 5580 North Fork Road, Decatur, IL.
Photographs of the Spangler Mill, Mill Stones used to grind grain. The mills stones are on display at the Macon County History Museum. The Macon County History Museum is located at 5580 North Fork Road, Decatur, IL.
Photos of Soy City Motel Building 1828 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.
Photographs of the Soy City Motel located at 1828 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1828 E. Eldorado, BS2134, BS2135, building, Business, Decatur IL., Lodging, Motel
Photos of Soy Capital Bank Exterior and Interior.
Photographs of the Soy Capital Bank during construction, exterior, interior and drive-up, 1501 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL.
Tags: 1501 E. Eldorado, banking, Banks, BS2123, BS2124, BS2125, BS2126, BS2127, BS2128, BS2129, BS2130, BS2131, BS2132, BS2133, building, Business, Construction, Decatur IL., E. R. Giese Gen. Contractor, exterior, interior, Soy Capital Bank
Photos of South Main Street, Decatur, IL.
Photograph Decatur: "South Main Street before the Illinois Central subway was built. Road in foreground possibly Cleveland Ave. Looking northwest from the east side of the tracks. the old court house can be seen in the background. The Greenwood…
Photos of South Fairview Avenue intersection with West Main and West Wood Streets.
Photograph 100 Block South Fairview Ave. and West Main St. "The building and the opening of Millikin University in 1903 brought about the residential development of Decatur west of Fairview Avenue. (ST56)The above picture looking south on Fairview…
Photos of Sommer's Sundries Building
Photographs of Sommer's Sundries home of the penny candy, located at 348 S. Fairview, Decatur, IL.