Browse Items (8594 total)

Photo of the Cudahay Ice Plant
Photograph of the interior of the storage area of the Cudahay Ice Plant which the 1906 City Directory listed at the southeast corner of 7th and the Wabash R. R. Photo ran in the Review, 2/25/1906. (Men are moving blocks of ice around the building.)

Photo of the Corner Tavern

BS1014-Corner Tavern 1162-North Water Street 1951-320.jpg
Photograph of the Corner Tavern located at 1162 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL.

Photo of the Colonial Motel and Restaurant
Photograph of the Colonial Motel and Restaurant located on the corner of Rt. 48 and W. Grand Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photo of the Coliseum Restaurant
Photograph of the Coliseum Restaurant built in 1923, burned in 1925, rebuilt, and burned again in 1933. Shown in the photo is a view of the Coliseum, formerly the property of the Macon County Fair Association but more recently a beer tavern and danceā€¦

Photo of the Coffee Pot Restaurant Building
Photograph of the Coffee Pot Restaurant with the owners standing in front. It was located on U. S. 36 E. near Casner.

Photo of the Brown Jug Restaurant on Oakland Avenue, Decatur, IL
Photograph of the exterior of the Brown Jug Restaurant located on Oakland Avenue, Decatur, IL.

Photo of the Bond Theatre formerly the Morrow Theatre
Photograph of the interior of the Bond Theatre formerly the Morrow Theatre, 312 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL.