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Frederick, Doris, and Charles Adkins at Christmas
Freedom to Read Statement - December 1994
Freedom to View Statement - 1994
Friends of the Decatur Public Library Meeting - November 1990
Friends of the Decatur Public Library Meeting September 1990
Tags: 1990, Author Series, Babies and Books, Baby Talk, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book bags, book sale, circulation desk, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, First Night, Friends of the Library, James Seidl, Macon County Reading Council, Meeting, Minutes, Project Read, quality control circle, queuing proposal, September 1990, Summer Reading Program
Friends of the Decatur Public Library Newsletter and Meeting Minutes 1989
Tags: 1989, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book sale, books between bites, Chamber of Commerce, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, film festival, Finance, Friends of the Decatur Public Library, James Seidl, Meeting, Minutes, national library card sign-up month, newsletter, sound system, Summer Reading
Friends of the Decatur Public Library Resolution - January 15, 1971
Friends of the Library Meeting May 1995
Funeral Announcement for Mrs. Anna Hibbs - January 9, 1912, page 10, Daily Review
Funeral Notices Mrs. Mary Adeline Vanqulasch - February 5, 1908 - Decatur Herald Newspaper - Mt. Gilead Cemetery and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Vanqulash - January 23, 1917 - Boiling Springs Cemetery
Tags: 1008 South Dorenda St. Decatur IL, 1908, 1917, Boiling Springs Cemetery, Clifford Miller, Decatur Herald Newspaper, February 5, First Methodist Church, Funeral Announcements, Henry Hibbs, Hibbs Personal Papers, interment, January 23, John Hibbs, Leslie Moody, Louis Moody, Miss Hattie Gandy, Miss Maud Martin, Moran's Chapel, Mrs. C. R. Grubbs, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Vanqulash, Mrs. Homer Knotts, Mrs. Mary Adeline Vanqulash, Mt. Gilead, Music by Mrs. Walter Quick, Musical Quartet, pallbearers, Rev W. J. Davidson, Rev. C. W. Sherman, Robert Miller