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David Satterfield's Oral History
Tags: "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity, 1983, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company, A.E. Staley Sr., Baseball, Betty Turnell, Boy Scout camp, Charlie Dressen, Chicago Bears, corn starch, cream corn starch, David Satterfield, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, Decatur Staleys, DMH, fabric softener, Football, George Halas, interview, January 1983, Lake Decatur, Millikin University, oral history, recording, soybeans, Sta-Puff laundry, Staley Bears, Staley building, Staley Company, Staley Library, Staley Pancake Syrup, staley swimming pool, Staley teams, Staley Viaduct, Staley wing, Wagner fruit drinks, YMCA
Clarence Sowers' Oral History
Tags: 1st contract, 8th grade education, Amusement Park, automobile mechanic, bricklayer foreman, bricklayers trade, bull ring, casino, catholic schools, changes in construction, changes to Decatur, childhood, Churches, Construction, Cuba tour, customer loyalty, Decatur IL, Dreamland Park, Fairview Park, family, Florida, freight foreman, future of Decatur, garden, Great Depression, Hawaii, health issues, Indiana, interview, Jasper County IL, Juarez, Linn & Scruggs building, Lodge, Macon School, Mexico, Nassau Bahamas, oral history, Pennsylvania Railroad, photography, recording, retirement, Sarasota FL, shoveling coal, Staley Company, Streetcars, Travel, union, Wabash Railroad, wildcat whistle, World War I, World War II, WPA workers, WWI, WWII
Charlotte Wait Holder' Oral History
Tags: 14-room house, 815 W. Main St., Amusement Park, Arcade Hotel, automobile, Barn, Bermuda, Betty Turnell, Bicycle, Blue Book, Bob Hope, Buick, changes in Decatur, Charlotte Wait Holder, childhood, Citizens Building, clubhouse, Country Club, cruise ship, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, department stores, Downtown, Dreamland Lake, Dreamland Park, England, Ethel Barrymore, Fairview Park, fashion, fire, Fishing Club, Florida, Ford Model T, France, Gebhart Store, golf, golf house, Gushards Store, high-top shoes, horse, Interurban station, interurbans, interview, Italy, Jerusalem, Lemonwood School, Lincoln Highway, Lincoln Theatre, Mary French School, Medira, men's club, merry-go-round, Miami FL, Michigan, New York, New York City, Ohio, oral history, Powers Opera House, Powers Theatre, private club, recording, road markers, roller coaster, Roosevelt Junior High School, ship, South Side Country Club, Southmoreland, Spain, stage plays, Stewarts Store, Streetcars, summer vacation, swimming lake, swimming pool, tennis court, tire blow outs, train, Transfer House, Wait-Cahill Wholesale Company, wholesale drug and notions store, winter vacation, Wood St. School
Charlotte Wait Holder's Oral History
Charles E. Lee's Oral History
Tags: "separate by equal", American Red Cross, Betty Turnell, black athletes, Charles E. Lee, Committee on Aging, Crime, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, December 1980, Dr. John Ellis, drugs, early Decatur, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, France, Fred Long, Harry Long, IL state Senate, Inez Bender, law, Mayor, Millikin University, Negro League, oral history, parking meters, police department, Prohibition, race relations, recording, special education, Television, transcription, U.S. Navy, Wood St. Elementary School
Byrd L. Davis, Jr. Oral History
Bob Strongman's Oral History
Tags: 35 ml film projector, aerial photography, algebra class, Assistant Boys Secretary, Assistant Sales Manager, background check, Betty Turnell, Bill Summer, boat races, Bob Hope's State Fair trip, Bob Strongman, Bread Salesman, Buckmeisters Grocery Store, changes at the Herald & Review, changes to photography, childhood, Coal Mines, Decatur Camera Club, Decatur Herald & Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, disasters, E.J. Muffley, Enterprise School District, freelance work, Governor Ogilvie, grammar class, Great Depression, Gunhill Johnson Crippled Children's Room, Harry Truman, horse plow, ice skating, ice wagon, industrial photography, interview, Kennedy Campaign, Lee Pigott, Lincoln School, Marietta School, mid-year graduate, Model T pickup truck, N. Union St., neighborhood grocery stores, one room school, oral history, Parkview Motel, Pfile's Camera Shop, photography, Piggly-Wiggly, polio, Presidential Candidate Whistle Stops, press credentials, processing, Pugh School, recess, recitation bench, recording, retirement, Richard Nixon, Roosevelt Junior High School, Russell Shaffer, Russian Missile Crisis, snow sled, street hockey, student-built boats, swim therapy, Tasty Bread, Truman's visit to Decatur, Truman's Whistle Stop, Victor Borge, weddings, Wooden Shoe Fire, YMCA, YMCA Boys Department
Anthony J. Perry's Oral History
Tags: "The Vigil Never Ceases - Two Miles North", 1988, A.E. Staley Jr., Administrator, Anthony J. Perry, Assistant Adminstrator, Associate Administrator, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, bachelor's degree, Betty Turnell, board rotation, Chief Executive Officer, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur IL, Decatur Memorial Hospital, DMH Auxiliary, Dr. Will Barnes, early childhood, education, Ethel Goss, Executive Vice-President, family, Graduate Directors' Council, Home Health Care Program, Hospital Administration, Hospital Research and Development Institute, immigrant parents, interview, JFK Airport, June 1988, LaGuardia Airport, Leon Pullen, Lisbon Portugal, malpractice insurance, master's degree, Medicare, Meteorology, Military, Millikin Court, Millikin University, MMI Companies, modernization of hospital, New England, New York University, Norman Bailey, Northwestern University, nurses, off-shore insurance company, oral history, Pan-American Airlines, Peruvian International Airways, president, radiology, recording, School of Nursing, Staley Pavilion, truck farm, TWA International, Visiting Nurses' Association, Voluntary Hospitals of America, Volunteers, Women's Auxiliary, World War II, WWII
Amherst Hardy's Oral History
Tags: 1990, Amherst Hardy, amphibian forces, assembly plants, Associated Press A-Wire, Barracks, bill collector, Blue Book, Bob Barracks, Bob Yoder, Buryl Engleman, Buses, carnivals, CCC Camp, changes to Decatur, Circus, city hall, Civilian Concentration Corp, Comet automobile, David Felts, Decatur Herald and Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dennis School, destroyer tender repair ship, English major, Espirito Santo, February 1990, flash signals, Football, Forrest Kyle, Great Depression, H. Allen Smith, ham radio, hospital evacuation ship, Howard Millard, interurban line, interview, Jane Lee, Japan, Jeffry automobile, Jitney buses, John Stacey hanging, Kennedy Assassination, Kintner Gymnasium, Layah Riggs, Lincoln Theater, Millikin University, Morse code, Moweaqua coal mine collapse, Mr. Lindsay, Navy, newsboys, newspaper plant, old courthouse, oral history, Otto Kyle, Pan-American automobile, Paul Aird, police beat, prize fights, Prohibition, PWA, radio man, recording, reporter, Robert Williams, Roosevelt Junior High School, Roosevelt New Deal Program, Sam Tucker, SATC, Shellabarger Building, short wave radio, Streetcars, Student Army Training Corps, telegraph reporter, trip to Maine, vaccinating pigs, Veterinarian, wooden block pavement, World War I, World War II, WPA, WWI, WWII
Albert G. Webber III's Oral History
Tags: 1982, A.G. Webber, A.G. Webber II, A.G. Webber III, A.G. Webber IV, air conditioned courtrooms, Albert G. Webber III, appeals, Appellate Bench, apprentice, bar exam, Betty Turnell, changes to judicial courts, chopping wood, Circuit Bench, Circuit Clerk's vault, class action suits, close friends, confidential advisor, County Board, County Court, Cumberland Charter, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Decatur IL, Des Moines IA, Dorothy Brown, fourth courthouse construction, Fourth District Appellate Court, general counsel, hangings, Hieronymus Mueller, immigrant, interview, James Millikin, judge, Judge John McCoy, Judge Morthland, judicial amendment, Keokuk IA, law school, lawyer, legal notices, legal work, Macon County Sheriff, Master in Chancery, Millikin Family, Millikin Homestead, Millikin University, Mueller family, Navy, office boy, oral history, public defendants, railroading, recording, Rev. Hawkins, Richard Welsh, Rock Island Railroad, sequestered jury, suppression of confession, third courthouse, trial bench, University of Illinois Law School, World War I, World War II