Browse Items (8646 total)

Photos of Ford Hopkins Drug Store - Ulrich Building.

Photographs of Ford Hopkins Drug Store - Ulrich Building and Richman Brothers.

Photo of Dairy Queen Building

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Photograph of a Dairy Queen Building in Decatur, IL.

Photo of Curly's Tavern.

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Photograph of Curly's Tavern located at 2683 N. Water Street, Decatur, IL. owner O. E. LaBoyteau.

Mrs. Bertha Gray Storer
Photograph of pencil sharpener invented by Mrs. Bertha Gray Storer. She was the wife of Will Storer and former Decatur resident, died 7/7/1936 in Long Island, New York. She was the daughter of Alonzo and Rachael Gray. She was the organist at Graceā€¦

Aerial Photos of ADM Construction and Truck Waiting to Unload Grain.

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Aerial photographs of Archer Daniels Midland construction. Photo of railway cars at the ADM plant. Photograph of farm trucks waiting line to unload grain.

Photos A. W. Cash Valve Manufacturing

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Photograph of A. W. Cash. Group photo of A. W. Cash Engineers and Machinist. Photos of A. W. Cash WWII wartime products. Photograph of A. W. Cash Building 666 E. Wabash Ave., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Zip Florist Building Front

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Photograph of Zip Florist Building, 850 E. Wood St., Decatur, IL. Jerry's Tap is on the left side and Arthur's Furniture is on the right.

Photos Young's Meat Packing Plant

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Photograph of Young's Meat Packing Plant with butchers and meat hanging. Photograph of Al Young and sons. "More information in the Sunday, Apr. 26, 1970 Herald and Review."