Browse Items (8489 total)

Leonard Cassell
Photograph of Leonard Cassell in his military uniform. Cassell fought in World War I. The photo was taken by Wasson Studios in 1917, and was used by the Decatur Herald and Review.

Mrs. A.L. Cantrall (Bertha)
Photograph of Mrs. A.L. Cantrall (Bertha). She was the wife of A.L. Cantrall, real estate agent. The photo was taken by Wasson Studios on November 2, 1913, and used by the Decatur Herald and Review.

Heston I. Baldwin
Photograph of Heston I. Baldwin (d. 3/27/1933), a prominent grain dealer and owner of the Baldwin Elevator Co. He served as an official on several state and national grain associations, and on the board of the D&MC Hospital. Baldwin was active in…

John W. Armstrong
Photograph of John W. Armstrong (d. 3/5/1930). He was first associated with D.C. Shockley, and helped erect many of Decatur's important buildings. He was also associated with George S. Lyon in the lumber business. Armstrong was the Building…

Charles M. Allison
Photograph of Charles M. Allison, the founder and president of the Home Manufacturing Company. He started his business in him home in May 1895, and later moved it to the old Arcade building and then to the Kincaid Building on E. Eldorado. …

YWCA Basketball Team 1916
Photograph of the 1916 YWCA basketball team. The photograph was taken by Wasson Studios in Decatur, IL.

Headquarters for the State Council of Defense
Photo of the interior of the Decatur headquarters for the State Council of Defense during WWI

Photo of the Reception Room of Wasson Studios
Photograph of the Reception Room of Wasson Studios. "Visit this completely equipped Studio, where at moderate cost one is certain of a good photograph. Take elevator 351 N. Water St., Decatur, IL."

Photo of C. L. Wasson
Photograph of gentlemen believed to be C. L. Wasson. "The picture you sent sure looks like C. L. Wasson. The picture compared to the newspaper clipping you gave me entitled Sunday February 23, 1908. 'Adventure with Box and Tripod surely has all the…