Browse Items (8628 total)
Mr. Flecht and Family
Robert Weigand
Unknown Man
Photos taken at J. H. Haws Photography Studio.
William Franklin's Oral History
Tags: 1986, Baseball, Betty Turnell, Bill Franklin, Citizen's Building, clients, Customers, Danville IL, Decatur Club, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, insurance business, interview, March 1986, Millikin University, Mobil Corporation, Navy, office manager, oral history, recording, service station, Socony Vacuum Oil Company, St. James School, St. Patrick's Grade School, St. Teresa High School, Stephen Decatur High School, trucking firm, William Franklin, World War II
Wilfred Miller's Oral History
W.T. Layton's Oral History
Tags: "bear" crew, "gandy-dancers", 1982, accidents, Allis Chalmers, Army, Betty Turnell, braking, Conductor, Decatur IL, diesel engines, firing, freight trains, golf, grandchildren, interview, May 1982, Meyers' Brothers, Norfolk and Western Railroad, oral history, passenger trains, pension, politics, recording, retirement, social security, Steam Engines, track maintenance, Travel, W.T. Layton, Wabash Railroad
Mr. W. Lindley Huff's Oral History
Thomas W. Samuels' Oral History
Tags: 1980, aldermen, author, Betty Turnell, book, Carrolton IL, changes to Decatur, Charles C. LeForgee, Decatur IL, Decatur in 1914, East St. Louis High School, Fire Department, Harvard, Human Relations Commission, interview, Lake Decatur, law school, lawyer, Lawyer in Action, LeForgee Vail and Miller, Macon County Tuberculosis Sanatarium, November 1980, oral history, race relations, recording, Samuels Miller Schroeder Jackson & Sly, Staley Company, Staley Viaduct, Streetcars, tax law, Thomas W. Samuels, University of Illinois, World War I
Sr. Eugenia O'Laughlin's Oral History
Tags: 1979, Academy of St. Teresa, Alton IL, Alton Ursuline community, Baltimore Catechism, Belen NM, Betty Turnell, Cathedral School, Company of St. Ursula, convent life, Decatur IL, Decatur Ursuline community, dress code changes, eye problems, fifth grade, First Communion, fractured hip, Frank O'Laughlin, Grandfather Cottonwood Tree, home visits, Jeanne Hamilton, Jenny Lind AK, Junior, May 1979, new convent, novice, old convent, oral history, Pan-American automobile, Poetry, postulant, published author, reception day, recording, Sparta IL, Springfield IL, Sr. Eugenia O'Laughlin, St. Patrick's church, St. Patrick's School, St. Teresa High School, St. Thomas School, Teacher, Vatican II, vocation, vow day