Browse Items (8629 total)

Photograph of Artist's Plans for St. Mary's Hospital
Photograph of an artist's plans for St. Mary's Hospital made January 7, 1959.

Photographs of Aerial Views of St. Mary's Hospital
Photographs from the 1970's and 1980's of aerial views of St. Mary's Hospital.

Photographs of Outside Views of St. Mary's Hospital
Photographs of outside views of St. Mary's Hospital taken in the 1960's and 1970's.

Photographs from the St. Vincent's Hospital in Taylorville, IL
Various photographs of the interior and staff of the building of St. Vincent's Hospital in Taylorville, IL taken December 21, 1954.

Photographs of the A. E. Staley House
361 N. College. Built by W. J. Quinlan in the early 1880's and sold to William H. Ennis in 1891. It was bought by A. E. Staley in 1913 and extensively remodeled. The home was given to the Y.M.C.A. in September of 1952 by Mrs. Emma L. Staley. In 1952…

Photographs of the Culver House
412 W. Prairie Ave. John H. Culver home, built around 1887. It was sold to Roy Phillips in 1950 by Elizabeth C. Shellabarger, daughter of John H. Culver. Phillips remodeled it into apartments. A fire in 1979 caused extensive damage to the attic and…

Photograph of 400 Block of N. Water
400 block of N. Water. Built by Captain David L. Allen, this was the first two-story house in Decatur. It was on the 1955 site of Leath Furniture Company. It was torn down in 1904.

Photographs of Captain David L. Allen's Second Home
Photographs of Captain David L. Allen's home on the south bank of the Sangamon River. It was unusual in structure because of its octagonal tower and for years it was a landmark of Macon county. It was torn down about 1905 and is was the site of…

Photograph of 752 N. Broadway
Photograph of the house at 752 N. Broadway, where the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen was organized in 1880. Home of William Felton.