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Photos of the St. Nicholas Hotel, Interior.
Photograph of the St. Nicholas Hotel Dormitory. Photographs of St. Nicholas Hotel Rooms. Photograph of the St. Nicholas Hotel Lobby. Photograph of the St. Nicholas Hotel Kitchen.
Tags: 1904, Bs2161, BS2163, BS2164, BS2168, BS2170, Business, Decatur IL., Dormitory, hotel, Hotel Room, kitchen, Lobby, St. Nicholas, SW Corner Lincoln Square
Photo of the Decatur Ice Cream Co.
Photograph of the Decatur Ice Cream Co., 716 N. Edward St., building was erected in 1904 and torn down in 1937.
Tags: 1904, 1937, 716 N. Edward, BS2526, building, Business, Decatur Ice Cream Co., Decatur IL, Ice Cream
M & C Bituminous Mine
"Man and Beast tolling in Perpetual Night - hauling coal to the shaft, M. & C. Bituminous Mines, Decatur, IL. 1904
Photograph of 336 E. Eldorado
Photograph of 336 E. Eldorado St. This house was built by W. L. Ferguson in 1904. According to the city directories it was owned by Albert W. Stephens in 1930 and be Albert Scholz in 1946, who still owned it in 1954.
Photograph of 400 Block of N. Water
400 block of N. Water. Built by Captain David L. Allen, this was the first two-story house in Decatur. It was on the 1955 site of Leath Furniture Company. It was torn down in 1904.
Photographs from the Decatur Hotel and Arcade building Fire.
Photographs taken from the November 17, 1904 fire that occurred at the Decatur Hotel and Arcade building in downtown Decatur. The fire was discovered in the basement in engine room of the old Wait building, occupied by the hotel and department store,…
Tags: 1904, Arcade, Chief Devore, Decatur Hotel, Decatur Hotel and Arcade, Decatur IL, Devore, Downtown, fire, Fire Department, Fires, FR20, FR21, FR22, FR27, FR28, FR29, FR30, FR31, J. H. McCleary, McCleary, Photo File: Fires, Wait, Wait building
Photographs from the Central Malleable Iron Works Fire
Photographs from the Central Malleable Iron Works fire, formerly the Loeb foundry and Sattley foundry, located at 765 N. Lowber St. The fire was discovered at 10:30 p.m. on November 14, 1904, and was said to have been blazing for at least an hour…
Photo of the Washburn and Wheeler Shaft Co.
Photograph of the Washburn and Wheeler Shaft Co., 210 W. Wood Street., taken in 1904. Print from glass negatives found in a Decatur attic Feb. 1956.
Photo of Seyenite Granite Works
Photograph of Seyenite Granite Works, 1904 --305 s. Broadway. This was city property in 1912.
Photo of the Washburn & Wheeler Shaft Co. building 210 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL.
Photograph of the Washburn & Wheeler Shaft Co. building at 210 W. Wood St., Decatur, IL. Print from a glass negative found in Decatur attic Feb. 1956.