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R.E. Burket's Oral History
Tags: ADM, Archer Daniels Midland, Decatur IL, R.E. Burket
R. Wayne Gill's Oral History
Tags: "Stuck at Taylor's College", 1980, academy, Albert Taylor Hall, Aston Hall, athletic director, Barracks, basketball, basketball and track coach, Bethany College, Betty Turnell, Bill Muer, business manager, Business Manager Emeritus, changes to Millikin University, Charlene Wood, chemistry, childhood, City of Decatur, Clyde Hart, coach, Davida McCaslin, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, dormitories, Dr. Albert Taylor, Dr. Claire A. Garber, Dr. Fellows, Dr. J. Roger Miller, Dr. John C. Hessler, Dr. Malone, Dr. McKay, Dr. Tyler, Dr. William Casey, engineering, Flora IL, G.I. Bill, Gastman School, Gorin Library, Grace Patton Conant, Griswold Physical Education Center, Hank Gill, Industrial Arts Department, interview, James Millikin, Jimmy Ashmore, Kirkland Fine Arts Center, Lake Geneva WI, Liberal Arts Building, March 1980, Millikin National Bank, Millikin University, Norman Wann, Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, oral history, Powers Building, Professor L.M. Cole, Professor Townsley, R. Wayne Gill, recording, Recreation Department, SATC, School of Music, Scovill Science Hall, Secretary-Treasurer, Student Army Training Corps, Superintendent of Recreation, veterans, vocational training, West Virginia, William Henderson, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
R. Lee Slider's Oral History
Tags: "para-archaeologist", 1984, archaeological surveys, archaeology, Betty Turnell, Bob Hall, Bruce McMillan, Buses, C.G. Holland, Civil War Roundtable, community transportation, construction business, County Board of Supervisors, cultural interpreter, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, environmentalism, Florence White, Fort Daniel Regional Park, Friends Creek Regional Park, G.I. Bill, Great Depression, Griswold Conservation area, Illinois State Museum, impersonation, interpretive naturalist, interview, January 1984, Korean War, letter for gasoline, Longbons Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Macon County Conservation District, Macon County Historical Society, Melody Arnold, Millikin University, Navy, Norman Greenberg, Oakley Reservoir, oral history, pre-historic Indian sites, R. Lee Slider, recording, Rock Springs, Rock Springs Center for Environmental Discovery, Rommel's African Corps, ROTC, Sand Creek Reservation, Smithsonian Institute, The Illinois Conservation Act, Trobaugh log house, vice-president, war trophies, World War II
Orv Graham's Oral History #3
Tags: Decatur Celebration, Decatur IL, Orv Graham
Orv Graham's Oral History #2
Tags: Decatur IL, Orv Graham, Theater 7, WSOY
Orv Graham's Oral History #1
Tags: Decatur IL, history of radio, Orv Graham, WSOY, Y103 FM
Oma Gardner's Oral History
Tags: 1984, American Nurses Association, Betty Turnell, Bolton Act, Cadet Nurse Corps, changes to hospitals, changes to nursing, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur and Macon County Hospital School of Nursing, Decatur Memorial Hospital, duties of nurses, Ethyl Goss, Florence Nightingale, history of Nursing, Industrial Nurse, interview, James Millikin University, L.P.N., Licensed Practical Nurse, Licensing Act for Nurses, May 1984, Michael Reese Hospital School for Nurses, Miss, Miss Helen Cleland, Miss Nona Ellis, National League of Nursing Education, Nurses Association of Alumnae of the United States and Canada, nursing, nursing in Decatur, Oma Gardner, oral history, pediatric nursing, penicillin, polio vaccine, premie nursery, R.N., recording, Red Cross, Sarah Morris Hospital, School of Nursing, Society of Superintendent of Training Schools, Superintendent of Nurses, U.S. Public Health Service, William Johns Nurses Residence, World War II, WWII
O.T. Banton's Oral History
Mrs. Will McKee's Oral History
Tags: Anna B. Millikin Home, automobiles, Betty Turnell, Bluebird, cassette tape, Decatur Drug, Decatur IL, junior high school, Lincoln Square Theatre, Linn and Scruggs Department Store, mp3, Mrs. Will McKee, Northwestern University, oral history, Orlando Hotel, pdf, Powers Block, Powers Building, Powers Grand Opera House, recording, sanitation, Teacher, The Banner Blue, Trains, tramps, Transportation, Wells College, White Wings
Mrs. Ruth Gibbs' Oral History
Tags: 1983, Betty Turnell, Buddhist Monastery, Camp Milam, Central Jurisdiction, childhood, Christian County, Christian Social Relations, Cleveland Avenue Methodist Church, conversational English, country school, Davidson, Decatur District Women's Foreign Missionary Society, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Dr, Dr. Donald Gibbs, Dr. E.T. Evans, earthquake, Eastern Michigan University, Evangelical United Brethren Church, farm, First Methodist Church, First Methodist Church of Evanston, Garrett Theological Seminary, Great Depression, Harriet Ellis, Illiopolis High School, Imogene Brown, international committee, Interurban, interview, Japan, Jurisdiction Woman's Society, Ladies' Aid Society, Methodist Church combination, Millikin University, Mrs. Conklin, Mrs. E.T. Evans, Mrs. Lucy Oplinger, Mrs. Marksmiller, Mrs. R.C. Augustine, Mrs. Ruth Gibbs, national board, Negro colleges, North-Central Jurisdiction, Northwestern University, November 1983, oral history, president, recording, SATC, School of Christian Mission, Student Army Training Corps, Teacher, teachers' college, United Methodist Church, Wesleyan Service Guild, Women's Home Missionary Society, Women's Society of Christian Service, World War I, WWI, YMCA, Ypsilanti MI