Browse Items (8629 total)
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Wells' Oral History
Tags: 3I League, Awards, Baseball, Bavaria, Betty Turnell, Bishop Quail, Boys Club, Building Committee, business major, Campfire Girls, Chartered Life Underwriter, Chautauqua, childhood, Christmas trees, church activities, church board, Classes, clients, CLU, committees, concession stands, dancing lessons, Decatur Baseball, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Delovan IL, Denver CO, District Superintendent, Eloise Neece, Entertainment, Equitable Life Insurance Society, family life, First United Methodist Church, France, fundraising, future of Decatur, general insurance, German family, German fest, Germany, golf, Grace Methodist Church, Greyville IL, Hightide Dr., history/political science minor, Hudson River Dateline, insurance sales, interview, lay leader, Lebanon IL, life insurance, Louise Wells, Marion Plussen, marriage class, McKinley College, Methodist Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Minister, Millikin University, Minister, Mr. & Mrs. John K. Wells, national committees, office manager, oral history, Peoria IL, preachers, Programs, Providence RI, R.C. Sayre, recording, retirement, Sanitary District Board, Secretary of Preachers' Aid, subdivision, sunday school, Superintendent of Junior Classes, Superintendent of Primary classes, superintendent of schools, talks, Television, tent meeting, Travel, trusts, United Methodist Church, Wilmington DE, YMCA
Mildred England's Trips to Antarctica and Greenland
Tags: Antarctica, Greenland, Mildred England
Mayme Foster's Oral History
Martha A. Montgomery's Oral History
Tags: 1976, Anacostia, Austin Township, Betty Turnell, civilian rehabilitation work, counseling work, Decatur Genealogical Society, Decatur High School, dispatch, early life, family history, Great Depression, Illinois State Genealogical Society, Illinois State University, inventory, Jacksonville FL, James Renshaw, Kenney High School, Lakeview High School, Latin, letter, Macon County Historical Society, Macy's Department Store, Maroa IL, Martha A. Montgomery, Mt. Holyoke College, Naval Air Station, New York City, November 1976, Oak Park High School, oral history, Parson's School of Design, Polywog, Public Works, recording, salaries, San Diego CA, U.S. Navy, University of Illinois, University of Indiana, Washington D.C., WAVES, Wood School, World War II, WWII
Lynn Potter's Oral History
Loren Boatman's Oral History
Tags: "live line" truck, 1986, August 1986, Betty Turnell, Bill Cecil, boating, cable television, cameras, Carl Hickerson, Carlinville IL, changes to broadcasting, changes to meteorology, Channel 17, childhood, Decatur Celebration, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Don Foreman, government weather observer, interview, J. Giles, Korean War, Lake Decatur, Lakeview High School, lights, live broadcasts, live commercials, Loren Boatman, MacArthur High School, master's degree, meteorologist, Meteorology, microphones, microwave dishes, Navy Indiana State Teacher's College, Northwestern Midshipman School, Northwestern University, oral history, Pacific Ocean, photography, piano, recording, Southern Illinois University, Teacher, Television, travelling, University of Illinois, WAND
Lester Grant's Oral History
Leslie T. Allen's Oral History
Tags: city manager, Decatur IL, Leslie Allen
Lee D. Pigott's Oral History #2
Tags: 1982, Baptist Church, basketball, Betty Turnell, boys' club, Cameron MO, Cleveland Avenue Baptist Church, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Ministerial Association, Decatur Public Schools, Dr. Cameron Harmon, Durfee School, education, Epworth League, interview, June 1982, Kansas City MO, ladies' Sunday School class, Lee D. Pigott, Malleable Iron, manual training, McKendree College, Methodist Church, Millikin University, ministry, Missouri Conference, Missouri Wesleyan College, Murphysburo IL, Naval Air Force, Naval Aviation, oral history, Principal, Prof. Cole, recording, religious life, superintendent of schools, U.S. Naval Force, World War I, WWI
Lee D. Pigott's Interview #1
Tags: 1978, AB degree, Ada Holtwick Caudle Pigott, aluminum scrap drive, Antoinette County KS, apprenticeship, Armistice Day, aviation mechanic, basketball, Betty Turnell, boys' club, cabinet making, car repair man, Carpenter's Union, Centennial Junior High School, Charles Lee, childhood, Christmas program, Christopher Wren tower, corporal punishment, counseling departments, Cy Gentry, Decatur Board of Education, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Kiwanis Club, Decatur Public Schools, Dennis School, distributive education, diversified occupations, Dr. Cameron Harmon, Dr. Lloyd Trump, Durfee School, Durfee School principal, Enlistment, farmhand, fathers' club, forced retirement, Ford Foundation, Gaither farm, Gastman School, Great Lakes Naval Academy, growth pattern, gymnasium, high school diploma, ice wagon, Illinois Junior High School Association, industrial education, interview, janitor, January 1978, Kansas, Kansas City MO, Ku Klux Klan, Lebanon IL, Lee D. Pigott, Lee Decatur Pigott, Lincoln School, Little 19 Basketball Tournament, Logan School, machinist, Malleable Iron Company, manual training, Mary W. French School, master's degree, Mayor, McKendree College Academy, Methodist Church, Millikin University, Miss Elizabeth Crowder, Mobile and Ohio shop, mothers' club, Mr. Jones, Murphysburo IL, Naval Aviation, North Central Association, Oakland Junior High School, Oakland School, Oke Summers, Oklahoma, Old Clothes Day, oral history, Pekin IL, Pekin Starch, Pfeifer, Pines Community Center, Principal, PTA, quitting school, R.S.W. McDavid, Railroad YMCA, recording, Roosevelt Junior High School, Spanish flu, staff utilization, Superintendent Engleman, Third United Brethren Church, Torrence Park, truancy, Ulrich School, University of Illinois, vocational automobile mechanics, vocational building trades, vocational cabinet making, vocational drafting, vocational electricity, vocational sheet and metal, vocational work, Warren School, wheat harvest crews, wooden paddle, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Woodworking, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII, YMCA, young people's group