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Leonard Stevens Cabin Site
Photograph of Leonard Stevens --Cabin Site. Team of horses pulling wagon with three people and another horse hitched to wagon. Stevens was the first white settler in Macon Co. Came to Macon Co. about 1821 and settled about 3 miles northwest of…
Photograph of County Bridge near St. Louis Bridge
Photograph of wooden plank bridge with two horse and buggies on bridge. St. Louis Railroad bridge in the background. Photo from Noel C. Dicks, Arthur, IL.
Photo of Covered Bridge Over Sangamon River
Photograph of a covered bridge over the Sangamon River. Photo by Noel C. Dicks, Arthur, IL.
Photo Morehouse and Wells Building
Photograph of the Morehouse and Wells building at Christmas Time.
Photo of Ben Waggoner, Coal Dealer
Photograph of Benn Waggoner, (died 1939) coal dealer in Decatur for 27 years. The coal yard he operated is believed to be the oldest in Decatur having been founded in 18874 by F. D. Caldwell and sold to Waggoner in 1912. Waggoner took in Joseph Michl…
Photos of Sunshine Dairy Delivery Trucks and Milk Cans.
Photo BS372 delivery trucks parked in front of the dairy, photo taken 1952. BS373 photo of Sunshine dairy truck stopped at the corner of Main and Stevens, taken 3/4/1984. BS374 photo of delivery trucks in front of the dairy, taken 11/28/1948. BS375…
Photos of Chambers, Bering & Quinlan
Photograph BS75: Three ladies working. BS76 several ladies and two men watching a manufacturing process. Photo BS77 office building for C.B.Q Co. (Chambers, Bering & Quinlan). BS982 photos of horse drawn plow manufactured by Chambers, Bering,…
Photos of Decatur Cereal Company and Office.
Photograph BS92: of Decatur Cereal Co. Photo unused 12/18/1907. Located corner West Eldorado and Van Dyke Streets. Destroyed by fire in 1909. Photo: BS91 Decatur Cereal Co. Office corner W. Eldorado and Van Dyke. Photo BS93: Decatur Cereal Mill,…
Photo of Premier Malt Product Plant No.1
Photograph of the Premier Malt Products Plant No. 1 Building
Photos of Shellabarger Mills
Photograph BS231: Grain Storage Building with cars and trucks parked nearby. Photo BS232: Worker bagging flour. Photo BS233: Workers bagging soy flour. Photo BS234: Shellabarger Buildings.
Tags: Bagging, BS231, BS232, BS233, BS234, Buildings, Business, Decatur IL., Flour Mill, Grain Storage, Noel C. Dicks, people, Shellabarger Mill, Workers