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Photo of Ensign Charles L. Mooney in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Mooney, Ensign Charles L., Article on back of photo; "On Leave, Ensign Charles L. Mooney and wife were here recently to visit Ensign Mooney's brother, H. R. Mooney, 1449 North Oakland avenue. The officer is a son of Francis…

Photo of Sgt. Rodney McNally in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McNally, Sgt. Rodney; Article on back of photo; "Rodney McNally, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNally, 327 West Leafland avenue, has been promoted to sergeant and transferred from Camp Forrest, Tenn., to the radio and…

Nelson Park - Pavilion
These are photos and negatives of the Nelson Park pavilions, both the old pavilion (c. 1910) and the new one. Also shown is the opening night dance of the new pavilion on July 14, 1931. The photos were taken by Rembrandt Studio and the Herald and…

Photo of Robert L. McEvoy (left) and Clifford Stogsdill in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McEvoy, Robert L. (left) and Stogsdill, Clifford (right); Article on back of photo: "Robert L. McEvoy, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McEvoy, 740 East Grand avenue, and Clifford Stogsdill, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.…

Photo of Joe B. Livesary in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Livesay, Joe B., Article on back of photo; "Three Decatur men, all called in the naval reserve's first draft here Aug 11, were aboard the U. s. Hospital Ship Benevolence yesterday when it was rammed and went down in san…

Bessie Lindsey, Mrs. Lucien Nelson Lindsey
Photograph of Mrs. Lucien Nelson Lindsey, (Bessie) wife of Dr. Lucien Nelson Lindsey of Forsyth. One of the foremost collectors of old glass in the country. Elected Regent of the Stephen Decatur Chapter, D.A.R. in 1933. She was formerly vice regent.…

Photo of Pfc. Harry R. Fickes in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Fickes, Harry R., 9/4/1943. Article with photo on back: "Fickes Returns: Pfc. Harry R. Fickes, son of George Fickes, 1592 North Ellen St., has returned to Fort Jackson, S. C. after spending a short furlough home. He…

Photograph of Arthur C. Spence
Photograph of Arthur C. Spence; died March 3, 1955; married to Mary Stine in 1906. Assistant Fire Chief, retired May 1941 after serving 39 years. Member of Grace Methodist Church, the Ionic Lodge 312, AF&AM, and the Springfield Consistory.