Browse Items (8548 total)

Photographs of Ice Boats on Lake Decatur
Photographs of ice boats on lake decatur taken on Christmas day in 1937.

Photographs of Horses Pulling a Carriage.
Photograph of Horse and Buggy taken by Noel C. Dicks. Photograph of Horse and Carriage in front of Decatur Baggage and Transfer Co., 1929. Photograph of Horse and Surrey, ran in the Review, 2/20/1929.

Photographs of Grant School Building, People and Children
Photographs of Grant School Building, Classroom and old Grant School Building

Photographs of Golfer Eleanor Barnes
Photographs of golfer Eleanor Barnes sporting the golf dress style taken July 27th, 1913.

Photographs of Friends of the Library Accomplishments and Presidents
Photographs of Friends of the Library accomplishments and a plaque honoring the Friends of the Library past presidents.

Photographs of Fishing Catches
Photographs of two men's catfish catches while fishing in Decatur, date unknown.

Photographs of Firehouse #2
A photograph of Firehouse #2 while in use and a photograph of the firehouse taken in 1994 after use. The firehouse sits at 550 N Morgan St. in Decatur.